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There are many kinds of courage.勇氣有很多種。 

Awesome kinds.有的令人敬畏。 

And everyday kinds.有的平平常常。 

Still,courage is courage--whatever kind.總之,不管哪一種--勇氣就是勇氣。 

Courage is riding your bicycle for the first time without training wheels.勇氣,是你第一次騎車不用安全輪。 

Courage is spelling your word is supercilious.勇氣,是去參加智力競賽,而且你的題目是「曌」字怎麼讀(註:原文意為「勇氣是參加拼寫比賽時,有拼的字是「supercilious」,此處為符合中文情境,在譯文中做了修改。) 

Courage is two candy bars and saving one for tomorrow.勇氣是你有兩塊糖,卻能留下一塊到第二天。 

Courage is mealtime and desprately hoping it"s hot Chunky Chunks in "real" gravy again.勇氣是到了開飯時間還拚命巴望在「真」肉湯里還能有「真」肉塊。 

Courage is nobody better pick on your brother.勇氣,是讓別人最好離你的小弟弟遠點。 

Courage is it"s your job to check out the night noises in the house.勇氣,是晚上由你負責查看房間里的動靜。 

Courage is being the new kid on the blick and saying,flat out,"Hi,my name is Wayne.What"s yours?" 勇氣,是剛搬到新地方,你大方地說:「嗨,我的名字叫偉利,你們呢?」 

Courage is tasting the vegetable before making a face.勇氣,是吃蔬菜時不做鬼臉,先嘗嘗再說。 

Courage is not peeking at the last pages of your whodunit book to find out who do it.勇氣,是讀偵探小說時不先翻到最後幾頁,偷看「到底是誰幹的」。 

Courage is being the first to make up after an argument.勇氣,是和別人吵架後你先去講和。 

Courage is deliberately stepping on sidewalk cracks.勇氣,是故意踩人行道的縫隙。(註:按西方傳統的迷信說法,「踩在縫隙上」會帶來厄運。) 

Courage is the bottom of ninth,tie outs,bases loaded,and your turn to bat.勇氣,是棒球比賽進入最後關頭,平分、二出局、滿壘,輪到你最後一擊。 

Courage is the juicy secret you promised never to tell.勇氣,是你知道個大秘密,卻答應對誰也不說。 

Courage is being sudsed and scrubbed by strangers.勇氣,是讓陌生人給你洗洗涮涮 

Courage is beaking bad habits.勇氣,是改掉壞習慣。 

Courage is suddenly remembering a silly joke and trying not to giggle when everyone else is being especially serious.勇氣,是在別人都特別嚴肅的時候,你突然想起一個好傻的笑話,卻能忍住不傻笑。 

Courage is arriving much too early for a birthday party.勇氣,是去參加一個生日晚會,你到得實在太早。(註:在西方,如果別人邀請你參加聚會,到得太早會顯得唐突,到得太晚會讓主人覺得對他不尊重,最好是在聚會開始前的十分鐘到達。) 

Courage is sending a valentine to someone you secretly admire,and signing your real name.勇氣,是寄情人卡給你暗戀的她,還簽上你自己的真名。 

Courage is admiring,but not plucking.勇氣,是愛它,卻不摘它。 

Courage is going to bed without a nightlight.勇氣,是不開燈就上床睡覺。 

Courage is deciding to have your hair cut.勇氣,是你決定理個髮。 

Courage is trying to cover up yourmean,jealous side.勇氣,是努力藏起你小氣、嫉妒的一面。 

Courage is scenic car trip and being stuck in the middle during the best part.勇氣,是坐車遊覽到風景最好的地方時,你卻被擠在中間。 

Courage is explaining the rip in your brand-new pants.勇氣,是解釋你的新褲子怎麼弄破的。 

Courage is going on again.勇氣,是再來一次。 

Courage is if you knew where there were some mountains,you would definitely climb them.勇氣,是知道還有高山,就一定要去征服。 

Courage is exploring heights and depths.勇氣,是上探太空,下探深海。 

Courage is blade of grass breaking through the icy snow.勇氣,是小草從冰雪下破土而出。 

Courage is starting over.勇氣,是從頭開始。 

Courage is holding on to your dream.勇氣,是堅持自己的夢想。 

Courage is being a firefighter,or a police officer.勇氣,是立志做一名消防員或一名警察。 

Courage is sometimes having to say goodbye.勇氣,是必要時說聲再見。 

Courage is what we give to each other.勇氣,是我們相互給予的東西。 

請您繼續閱讀更多來自 經典短篇閱讀小組 的精彩文章:

早安 |應該有最美好的努力
一席| 青山周平《未來的家》
早安 |我所做的一切都是為了讓人記住我唱的歌

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