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JP伉儷 | 探索旅志 | 洛杉磯篇【叄】

攝於 Photos taken on 2016.9.19

長壽之道 The Secret to Longevity

JP伉儷 | 探索旅志 | 洛杉磯篇【叄】

photo courtesy: our photographer


我常常跟Jun說,我沒有太大慾望活過百歲,我怕白頭人送黑頭人,我怕疾病痛苦,我怕成為其他人的負擔。(Jun呢,就跟我相反,對長命百歲充滿希望。)Ms Lilian給我活得長而好的信心,令我明白,恐懼就是障礙,拋開恐懼,前面的路便會變得開闊。

It was an honour meeting with Ms Lilian, a lovely 105-year-old lady who witnessed the changing role of Chinese immigrants in America. The most valuable lesson we learned in our conversation was that a healthy mentality was key to longevity. Ms Lilian cracked us all up with her strong sense of humour. She was composed and relaxed. She also maintained a healthy diet. By that, she did not mean counting calories or going vegan, but instead, eating natural.

I often told Jun, I don t think I want to be a centenarian. I fear my own children passing before me. I fear sickness and pain. I fear becoming a burden for others. (While Jun is completely positive about living a century.) Meeting with Ms Lilian gave me the confidence to live long and well. Fear is the obstacle itself. Throw away fear, and the path ahead becomes clear.

攝於 Photos taken on 2016.9.20

智慧 Words of Wisdom

JP伉儷 | 探索旅志 | 洛杉磯篇【叄】


The owner of this store is wise.

攝於 Photos taken on 2016.9.22

可持續性 Sustainability

JP伉儷 | 探索旅志 | 洛杉磯篇【叄】

JP伉儷 | 探索旅志 | 洛杉磯篇【叄】

Limoneira 的可持續發展規劃極具啟發性。自1928年,他們採用天然的措施,利用有益昆蟲防治害蟲,大量減少使用殺蟲劑。他們在總部,建造了佔地5.5公頃的太陽能電池板,足夠應付他們總電量使用的三分之一。他們為工人建房,使他們可以一家團聚,更正在打造一個新的社區,叫「豐收」,從策划到工程完工需時十年,去年開始施工。


Limoneira s sustainability plan was incredibly inspiring. From 1928, they opted for the natural practice of pest control using beneficial insects to combat the harmful ones. Thus, limiting the use of insecticides and pesticides. They built a 5.5 acre of photovoltaic orchard at their headquarters, supporting 1/3 of their total electricity use. They built houses, so workers could live with their families. In fact, they have been drafting for 10 years to create a new neighbourhood community, called Harvest, which just began construction this year.

Researches, constructions, they all cost a fortune. Yet Limoneira understands the importance of sustainable business development, and these were worth the investments.

我們是誰? Who are we?



Jun and Priscilla are both food enthusiasts. Husband Jun is an innovative chef, while wifey Priscilla is a food writer. Originally from Los Angeles and Hong Kong respectively, they now reside in Shanghai working in the Food & Beverages industry.

In their latest project, Jun and Priscilla are in search of the history and culture of lemons, through their adventures to Sichuan, Los Angeles, Argentina, France, and Russia. This is not only an amazing food journey, but also an inspiration to a long-lasting relationship.

其他探索旅志 Other Adventures

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