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CK Tan加入琥珀傳播擔任首席創意官,加速提升創意實力

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琥珀傳播正式任命CK Tan(Chee Keong Tan)擔任首席創意官(Chief Creative Officer)。CK將常駐上海,該任命即時生效。

CK Tan的加入將加速提升琥珀傳播的整體創意實力,他將統籌管理琥珀上海和北京的創意團隊,並協助琥珀傳播創始人兼CEO劉陽(Amber Liu)管理旗下「+A」創意熱店平台,為打造兼具商業價值和優質創意的作品而共同努力。CK的加入也力證了琥珀布局亞太和國際化的決心,全球視野與本土洞察的結合將有效幫助中國品牌走向國際,並幫助國際品牌更好地落地於本土市場。

CK Tan加入琥珀傳播擔任首席創意官,加速提升創意實力

CK Tan在Campaign Brief Asia新鮮出爐的「2016亞太創意排名」中位列「獲獎最多的創意總監」第7,並在2014 The Directory Big Won Report全球ECD排名中位列第11。加入琥珀傳播之前,他就職於Ogilvy & Mather馬來西亞擔任執行創意群總監,並在包括BBDO馬來西亞、Leo Burnett馬來西亞、Ogilvy & Mather香港等多家亞洲頂尖廣告公司任創意要職。

CK屢獲Cannes、D&AD、One Show、Clio、LIA、ADFEST、Spikes Asia、AMES、Effies、Australia Awards等國際知名獎項大獎。2015年,作為BBDO馬來西亞執行創意總監,他為馬來西亞奪得首座LIA全場大獎,BBDO馬來西亞也榮登該年Gunn Report中馬來西亞獲獎最多的廣告公司。

CK Tan加入琥珀傳播擔任首席創意官,加速提升創意實力

琥珀是CK Tan從業來首次在中國本土廣告公司任職,對於全新的嘗試CK表示:「中國互聯網發展的多變性和媒體傳播環境的多樣性,讓她成為全球範圍內獨一無二且充滿挑戰的市場之一。能夠紮根中國本土市場,與中國創意人並肩作戰,與中國消費者和品牌深入溝通,相信會萌生很多新的玩法和創意想法。很榮幸加入琥珀,作為發展勢頭正勁的中國本土數字代理商,未來期待一起創作出更多好作品。」

「歡迎CK加入琥珀大家庭。」劉陽(Amber Liu)表示:「CK的加入是對琥珀過去10年發展的認同和肯定,也預示著一個全新階段的起航。『+A』創意熱店平台的啟動與CK Tan這些國際一流創意人的加盟將加速琥珀創意版圖的布局及整合實力的進一步提升。對於不同類型的廣告公司而言,創意永遠是核心命脈。創意的提升將很大程度上幫助我們服務的品牌實現品牌形象的塑造和品牌價值的沉澱與積累。」



Amber China today announced the appointment of CK Tan (Chee Keong Tan) as Chief Creative Officer. Tan will assume his new position immediately and will be based in Shanghai.

Tan』s joining will help enhance the overall creative strength of Amber China. Tan will oversee the agency』s Beijing and Shanghai creative teams, and assist Amber Liu, Founder & CEO of Amber China in managing the 「+A」 creative hot shop platform, with the ultimate goal of inspiring more effective creative work. Tan』s joining is also a testament to the agency』s strategy to expand further internationally and in the Asia-Pacific region. Amber China believes that the combination of global vision with local insights can help Chinese brands effectively expand into international markets, and help international brands effectively reach local markets.

Tan was ranked No. 7 in the freshly released Campaign Brief Asia』s 2016 「The Most Awarded Creative Directors In Asia」 creative rankings. He was also ranked No. 11 in The 2014 Directory Big Won Report Global ECD rankings. Prior to joining Amber China, Tan served as Group Executive Creative Director at Ogilvy & Mather Malaysia, and previously served in senior creative positions at such renowned agencies as BBDO Malaysia, Leo Burnett Malaysia, Ogilvy & Mather Hong Kong, etc.

Throughout his illustrious career, Tan has been honored to have had his work recognized by some of the advertising industry』s most prestigious awards, including Cannes Lions, D&AD, One Show, Clio, LIA, ADFEST, Spikes Asia, AMES, Effies, Australia Awards, etc. While serving as Executive Creative Director at BBDO Malaysia in 2015, Tan』s work won Malaysia』s 1st LIA Grand Prix and BBDO Malaysia was also named by the Gunn Report as Malaysia』s most awarded agency in 2015.

Tan』s new position with Amber China is his first at a Chinese local advertising agency. Commenting on the new step, Tan said: 「The dynamic nature of China』s Internet development along with the diverse nature of China』s media environment makes China one of the most unique and challenging markets in the world. I am confident that the opportunity to dig deeply into China』s local market, to cooperate with China』s best creative talents, and to connect deeply with Chinese consumers and brands, will inspire innumerable new innovativeand creative ideas. It is truly an honor to join Amber China, one of the best Chinese local digital agencies, and I look forward to working together with the entire Amber teams to create more fantastic creative work.」

「I want to sincerely welcome CK to the Amber family,」 said Amber Liu. 「The addition of CK is a huge validation and affirmation of Amber China over the past ten years, and also signals a new start of the agency. The addition of the top international creative talents and the launch of the 『+A』 creative hot shop platform, will accelerate Amber China』s creative development and integrated offering. While there are many kinds of agencies, creative is and will always be the lifeblood of advertising. By improving our creative capabilities, we are confident that we can continue to help the brands we serve to better shape their brand image as well as build and retain brand value.」

Since its founding ten years ago, Amber China has always adhered to a flat internal communications structure, respecting the viewpoints and creativity of every young person with the goal of developing and cultivating the next generation of industry talents. CK Tan』s joining is a sincere invitation to the young blood with passion and aspiration for advertising. The industry needs these young minds to infuse its work with fun, original, revolutionary ideas. Amber China has always been devoted to being a platform for new blood to shine by building a creative environment where young people can quickly grow.

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