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Andrea Kowch 超現實主義繪畫藝術欣賞

藝術家Andrea Kowch 帶來的一組超現實主義繪畫藝術作品。

Andrea Kowch has been described as 「a powerful voice emerging, demonstrating a highly sensitive consciousness that informs a culturally-laced symbolism.」 Born in Detroit, Michigan in 1986, she attended the College for Creative Studies through a Walter B. Ford II Scholarship, and graduated Summa Cum Laude with a BFA in 2009, double majoring in Illustration and Art Education. Her paintings and works on paper are rich in mood, allegory, and precision of medium, reflecting a wealth of influences from Northern Renaissance and American art to the rural landscapes and vernacular architecture of her native Michigan.

Andrea Kowch 超現實主義繪畫藝術欣賞

Andrea Kowch 超現實主義繪畫藝術欣賞

Andrea Kowch 超現實主義繪畫藝術欣賞

Andrea Kowch 超現實主義繪畫藝術欣賞

Andrea Kowch 超現實主義繪畫藝術欣賞

Andrea Kowch 超現實主義繪畫藝術欣賞

Andrea Kowch 超現實主義繪畫藝術欣賞

Andrea Kowch 超現實主義繪畫藝術欣賞

Andrea Kowch 超現實主義繪畫藝術欣賞

Andrea Kowch 超現實主義繪畫藝術欣賞

Andrea Kowch 超現實主義繪畫藝術欣賞

Andrea Kowch 超現實主義繪畫藝術欣賞

Andrea Kowch 超現實主義繪畫藝術欣賞

Andrea Kowch 超現實主義繪畫藝術欣賞

Andrea Kowch 超現實主義繪畫藝術欣賞

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