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Green Catch 視覺傳達設計欣賞

「Green Catch」 is the most important and popular sub-brand of HuaQingFeng, a E-commerce brand of aquatic plants. Rebranding is not only because of modernization, and also aim to upgrade 「Green Catch」 brand image that stand out of thousand similar brand in same industry. From product design to package design through the rebranding process. Also, new product design that help 「Green Catch」 upgrade to the home decorations level.

Green Catch 視覺傳達設計欣賞

Green Catch 視覺傳達設計欣賞

Green Catch 視覺傳達設計欣賞

Green Catch 視覺傳達設計欣賞

Green Catch 視覺傳達設計欣賞

Green Catch 視覺傳達設計欣賞

Green Catch 視覺傳達設計欣賞

請您繼續閱讀更多來自 sudasuta 的精彩文章:

Glücksk?fer Nugali 包裝設計欣賞
五子析 原創水墨插畫
B.A.Y 清新乾淨的原創插畫
川畑太/Futoshi Kawabata 繪畫藝術欣賞
Andrea Kowch 超現實主義繪畫藝術欣賞

TAG:sudasuta |


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