撰文 Daniel Clery
翻譯 訪冬
審校 金庄維
銀河系和她的鄰居們所在的整個本星系群(Local Group)正被神秘力量拉扯著向一個方向移動。天文學家們推測,這股力量的來源可能是某個尚未發現的巨大天體。
現在,一個國際研究團隊認為他們終於找到了幕後黑手:附近一個包含數百星系的超星系團。由於氣體、塵埃和銀河系自身星體遮蔽了視線,我們竟從未見過它!不過科學家還是發現了一些蛛絲馬跡。先前對本星系群運動的研究已經預測到:銀河系外隱藏著某些天體。另外,對船帆座(constellation Vela)星系的研究也暗示這一區域的星系密度大於常規值。據此,利用位於薩瑟蘭郡(Sutherland )的10米南非大型望遠鏡(10-meter South African Large Telescope)和位於賽丁泉的3.9米英澳望遠鏡,研究團隊測量了船帆座中4500個星系的紅移,並於最近在《皇家天文學會月報》上確認,在船帆座的方向上,距離我們8億光年處,星系密度超常。這意味著船帆座位於另一個大型結構之中。這一新發現的結構被命名為「船帆座超星系團」(Vela Supercluster),它比夏普利超星系團(Shapley Supercluster)離我們更遠一些。
【題目】Discovery of a supercluster in the ZOAin Vela
【作者】Renée C. Kraan-Korteweg et.al.
【期刊】Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
【日期】November 8, 2016
We report the discovery of a potentiallymajor supercluster that extends across the Galactic Plane in the constellationof Vela, at a mean recessional velocity of ~18 000 km s?1. Recent multi-object spectroscopic observations of this VelaSupercluster (VSCL), using AAOmega+2dF and SALT, confirm an extended galaxyoverdensity in the Zone of Avoidance (ZOA) located where residual bulk flowspredict a considerable mass excess. We present a preliminary analysis of ~4500 new spectroscopic galaxy redshifts obtained in the ZOA centredon the Vela region (l= 272;5 ± 20°,b = 0° ± 10°). The presently sparsely-sampled dataset traces an overdensitythat covers 25° in Galactic longitude on either side of the Plane, suggestingan extent of 25° × 20°, corresponding to ~ 115×90h70Mpcat the supercluster redshift. In redshift space the overdensity appears toconsist of two merging wall-like structures, interspersed with clusters andgroups. Both the velocity histogram and the morphology of the multi-branchingwall structure are consistent with a supercluster classification. KOSgalaxy counts show an enhancement of ~1.2 over the survey area for galaxies brighter than M?Kat the VSCL distance, and a galaxy overdensity of δ = 0.50–0.77 within aphotometric redshift shell around VSCL, when compared to various 2MASS samples.Taking account of selection effects, the VSCL is estimated to contribute vLG?50 km s?1 to the motion ofthe Local Group.
TAG:科研圈 |
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