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T-Mac"s live reaction to his nomination for the HOF! (espn.com)


[–]blazinflames666 56 指標 3小時前

I love how humble this guy is. There"s another interview where he refused to believe that during his peak, he was easily a top 3 shooting guard. I really hope he makes it in the HOF.


[–]SupersonicsHouseHeisenb3rg[S] 25 指標 3小時前

I think he will. He"s easily one of my favorite players of all-time


[–]CelticsRedshark 4 指標 41 分鐘前

You look at guys like TMac and Grant Hill and they had a good chunk of their careers were they were dominate players at the highest level, and then they got hurt. It makes you happy for them when you saw the level of humility they had the whole time. I was never a fan of TMac but not because he wasn"t an incredible player or a great guy but because he never played for my team. I hope he gets in.

看看麥迪和希爾的生涯,他們都有過一陣曾是最高競技水平下的統治性球員,然後就受傷了。你看到他們一直所保有的謙虛真得讓人很開心。我從來不是麥迪的球迷,並不是因為他不是吊炸天的球員或者好人,而是因為他從來沒為我的主隊打過球。 我希望他能入選。

[–]Rocketssubll 48 指標 3小時前

Not gonna lie, if he cried I would"ve cried. Will always be one of my favorite rockets player!

不騙你,如果麥迪哭的話我也會哭出來的。 他永遠都會是我最愛的火箭球員之一!

[–]Sunslarrylegend_011 16 指標 3小時前

I think he was trying to hold it back. if he wasn"t on camera i think he would have cried. The thing I love most about this interview is when he first heard he was about to call bullshit.


[–]Trail Blazerszerocoolforschool 4 指標 3小時前

I thought he was going to crack for a minute there... when he covered his face.


[–]Warriorshere_2_downvote_u 22 指標 3小時前

Man, had to log in just to post. I loved this guy as a kid. I still remember the first time I was exposed to him. It was the Raptor"s in the first playoffs in 2000? All I knew at that time was Vince Carter, and that game Carter sucked and shot 3/20 while McGrady kept the Raptors in with early points.

Since then I"ve been following him. I hate buying athletes" shoes (pricey) but him and KD are both I did buy for.

哎,必須登錄才能回帖。在我還小的時候我愛過這個傢伙。 我仍然記得第一次見識他的時候,記得那是在2000年猛龍第一次季後賽的時候?我當時知道的只有卡特, 那場比賽卡特很渣,只有20投3中,而麥迪早早得分爆發讓猛龍咬住了比賽。


–][DAL] Steve Nashaceofspadez138 2 指標 52 分鐘前

Man, I really wish T Mac had stayed with Vince on the Raptors. I know he has previously expressed regret for leaving. That being said, he had a great career after Toronto. He could do pretty much everything on the court. If I ever had to rep a Rockets jersey, it"d be T Mac for sure.


[–]Raptorskrs_ 1 指標 47 分鐘前

Yup, I remember McGrady scoring the Raptors first ever playoff points as a kid and said to myself, "I will remember this moment forever."


[–]RaptorsKareemAbuJafar 15 指標 3小時前

I don"t know if I"ve ever seen a player play as effortlessly as he did. He just glided around the court and pulled off these mind blowing highlight reel plays seemingly out of boredom.

我不知道是否還看過有像麥迪那般得分如此不費力的球員, 他在場上遊走著就打出了那些讓你永遠不會厭煩的逆天高光瞬間。

[–]Hawksjumboponcho 1 指標 2小時前

Still remember the T-Mac vs Kobe arguments at lunch. If we"re talking primes, T-Mac is top 15-20 ever

仍然記得當年午飯時那些討論麥迪vs科比誰更強的討論, 如果我們談論的是巔峰的話, 麥迪絕對是史上前15-20的球員。

[–]Bullsryanmint 6 指標 3小時前

He helped define an era, albeit briefly. I"m rooting for T-Mac.


[–]Lakersso-cal_kid 14 指標 3小時前

There was a period in time when I thought T-Mac was the best player in the league, even better than Kobe. T-mac ultimately just didn"t have quite the same killer instinct as Kobe when it came to the day-to-day prep which I think hurt him when it came to his injuries. He was always a superior passer though - easily one of the best passers from the wing ever.

曾經有那麼一段時期我認為麥迪當時都是聯盟第一人,甚至比科比還要強。就日常的準備來說,麥迪最終還是沒有科比那樣的殺手本色,我認為這點在傷病來臨時也傷害了他。不過他一直都是超級出色的傳球手- 很容易就是史上最好的翼側傳球手之一。

[–]BullsPatrickMcC 4 指標 3小時前

Humble Guy. It"s a shame that there"s a chance he doesn"t get in, He"d be a lock if it weren"t for injuries.


[–]Rockets2813308004HTX 10 指標 3小時前

I will eat a ball of butter covered in hot sauce if he doesn"t get inducted.


[–]Magicjp4est 2 指標 3小時前

Sure was fun rooting for that guy growing up.


[–]RocketsBayouCityBusinessGuy 2 指標 2小時前

I"m happy for you T-Mac. Thanks for all you did for the Rockets, and the NBA. You"re a great dude, and this clip helps illustrate why you"re so well liked.

火蜜:我真的為你開心,麥迪。 感謝你為火箭和NBA做的一切。 你是一個好人,這個視頻也展現了為什麼你說如此受愛戴。

[–]Raptorssunnyice 2 指標 2小時前

OMG he"s so cute!


[–][HOU] James HardenSfax4you 2 指標 2小時前

I started following basketball because of him, my all time favorite for sure


[–]Rocketshello_o_o_o_ 2 指標 2小時前

I started watching basketball and support the Rockets because of him. The 13 on 35 is probably my most watch basketball video on youtube

我開始看籃球並且成為火迷就是因為麥迪。 35秒13分可能是我在油管上看過頻率最多的籃球視頻。

[–]SpursNegativeCero 2 指標 1小時前

Well that just brought a smile to my face. I hope he gets it. He"s had some tough luck in his career, but I think he has a case.


[–]Grizzlieshexad_2808 1 指標 2小時前

Amazing player, I am grateful I was able to witness his greatness live. Shame that he never achieved much in post season, one of those greatest could have beens with Yao if it weren"t for injuries. Glad they both made it to HOF.


[–]NetsJSub11 1 指標 2小時前

My intro to TMac was during his Orlando days. I never heard of the guy before but he was facing off against 76er Iverson on an epic scoring battle. I think both ended up with over 40 points.

I remember the moment TMac hit this insane layup/ shot that ultimately won the game. That was the moment he became one of my fav players.

我對麥迪的了解始於他在魔術時期。我此前從沒聽過他,直到他跟76人艾弗森上演了一場史詩級的飆分對決。 我記得他們兩當時都砍下了超過40分。


[–]NetsJSub11 1 指標 2小時前

TMac and Yao is my all time favorite duo. It was a story of injuries, what ifs, and unmet potential, but man, when those two were on the court at the same time...pure magic and dominance.

麥迪和姚明是我史上最愛的組合。 他們的故事充滿了傷病,如果...會怎樣, 未兌現的潛能。 哎,當他們同時上場時,純粹的魔力和統治力。

[–]Iamnotthefirst 1 指標 2小時前

It still makes me sad to think about what would have been if he stayed in Toronto with Vince.


[–]NBAwilonwheels 1 指標 1小時前

TMac will deliver his speech in this:


[–]Rockets2813308004HTX 169 指標 3小時前

God I love T-Mac. Just a pure scorer and just fun guy to watch. The 13 in 35 will forever be a top basketball moment. Amazing player and man.


[–]SupersonicsHouseHeisenb3rg[S] 48 指標 3小時前

I remember I was in 3rd grade when the 13 in 35s happened. I only just started watching basketball a few months prior, so when it happened it was the coolest basketball moment I ever witnessed. And to this day 12+ years later, it"s still probably the coolest basketball moment to me. T-Mac was the god damn GOAT

我記得35秒13分那時候我才上三年級。 在此之前我才開始看籃球幾個月,這是我見證過的最酷的籃球瞬間。12年後的今天,它對我來說仍然是最酷的籃球時刻。 麥迪絕壁尼瑪是GOAT.

[–]Rocketsdesrever1138 19 指標 2小時前

Holy Shit - I can"t believe that was 12 fucking years ago.

Age is a sneaky, fickle bitch.



[–]RocketsBayouCityBusinessGuy 15 指標 2小時前

The 13 in 35s against the Spurs

Of course it"s an amazing feat regardless of who you"re playing, but the fact that it was against the Spurs makes it just that much more special to me


[–]Spursdanielbauer1375 18 指標 2小時前

Against Bruce Bowen no less, and those weren"t just normal threes he was hitting. They were off-balance, long-range three pointers (including the 4-point play on Duncan). I don"t think I"ve ever seen Pop so disappointed in his time.


[–][SAS] Tim DuncanDsarg_92 4 指標 1小時前

He and Yao Ming were so awesome on the Rockets. Hate that those injuries stopped them, though.


[–]Bucksdrunkenmormon 90 指標 3小時前

He should get in just for this

Y"all know what it is.


[–]Amin0 39 指標 2小時前

and Craig interviews him afterwords too...


[–]The_Neutrals_ 9 指標 2小時前

I could watch this clip on repeat for the rest of my life. What a legend.


[–]NBAwilonwheels 14 指標 1小時前

And gave us this gem:




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