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JR史密斯:「還想刷存在感而已。 可悲啊可悲」

雷吉埃文斯:「我有過一些不錯的掘金隊友。 那傢伙又老又怨氣重重」

記者:我們喊甜瓜停下來聊聊喬治卡爾的書, 甜瓜回答「沒門」

[–][LAL] Kobe Bryantjimmcdermont 164 指標 7小時前

Well, yeah. He could just keep cashing in paychecks while staying at home but he wrote a book to shit on his former players. Some of the stuff he said were just out of line

好吧,卡爾本可以躺在家裡數錢,但他卻寫書噴之前執教過的球員。 他說的有些內容太過份了。

[–]Knicksjohnhenryirons[S] 128 指標 7小時前

Bringing up the fact that Melo and KMart didn"t have Dads growing up was really out of line.


[–][NYK] Walt FrazierDishingLikeClyde 283 指標 3小時前*

Martin and his sister were raised by a single mom who worked two jobs while Melo"s dad died of cancer when he was two years old for those unaware.

Karl is a scumbag.

給那些不知道的人科普下:馬丁和他的妹妹都是被打兩份工的單身母親養大的, 而甜瓜的父親在他只有2歲時就因為癌症去世了。


[–]PelicansGood_NewsEveryone 129 指標 6小時前*

He was comparing his past to theirs. The quotes out of context text make it look fucking awful. It"s not great, but he wasn"t like insulting them.


Quote 原文:

」馬丁和甜瓜肩負著兩大負擔:那麼多錢; 沒有父親教導他們如何像男人一樣處事。你們都讀過了,我從小是在一個郊區鄰里長大,有雙親的陪伴。大學教練就像是我的第二個父親,他是我認識的最高尚最得體的人。我做球員時從沒有賺過那麼多錢以至於迷失自己。看看我自己和馬丁和甜瓜的背景差別,也難怪我們之間會有那些矛盾了「

[–]Knickstetsuoandkaneda 92 指標 6小時前

I mean, even with the additional context, it isn"t much better.


[–]PelicansGood_NewsEveryone 76 指標 6小時前

Its not much better. But you can see he"s not intending to insult them. He"s trying to explain their differences. It"s stupid from a PR perspective, but it doesn"t much change my opinion of Karl.


[–][NYK] Patrick EwingGotMyFeetUp 248 指標 7小時前

Or just wants attention. He"s getting payed 4 mil to sit at home and eat cheetos and yet he still has to make headlines, smh.

卡爾只是想搏眼球吧。他在家吃著cheetos(膨化食品)躺拿著400萬美元, 夠美的了,他卻想著還來製造頭條。無語

[–]Knickstetsuoandkaneda 205 指標 7小時前

「Kenyon and Carmelo carried two big burdens: all that money and no father to show them how to act like a man」

If he wants attention by saying shit like this, then Karl really is an unhappy old guy.


[–]KnicksInsideYoWife 123 指標 6小時前

How the fuck does someone say that.

Edit: how the fuck does someone say that AND THEN WRITE IT in their book!


[–]MagicKaiiu 36 指標 5小時前

The worst thing is Melo"s father died of cancer when he was 2 years old


[–]KnicksTylerious 6 指標 3小時前

This is true? Wow man, fuck George Karl


[–][PHO] Steve NashPleaseDontDoxxMe 61 指標 6小時前

As a young black man who grew up with no father figures I understand what he means, but it just sounds wrong no matter how you say it if you"re white.

作為一個從小沒有父親長大的年輕黑人, 我理解卡爾的意思。但如果你是白人的話,無論你怎麼說,這些話聽上去都是不中聽的。

[–][MIA] Hassan WhitesideBigShotBosh 198 指標 3小時前

Also from Kenyon:

Everyone that"s played for that awful person and coach can"t stand the ground he walks on

Having a lot of wins doesn"t make you a good coach. He was blessed with great talent

Since we were so bad as players. Tell him to forfeit those Denver wins





[–][NYK] Chris Copelandbootum 46 指標 7小時前

talks shit about melo just wanting the spotlight and then writes this shit for the sole purpose of putting himself back in the spotlight. and cash.


[–][SAS] George KarlLebron_James_Harden 14 指標 3小時前

I need to get this book


[–]Cavaliersneyvit1 68 指標 3小時前

Aaannnd this is why he said all this shit.


[–][SAS] George KarlLebron_James_Harden 64 指標 3小時前

I need to torrent this eBook


[–][LAL] Dick Schnittker310BrownGuy 17 指標 3小時前

Share that link.


[–]Bullsmoe1984 56 指標 7小時前

is it possible that george karl is an asshole but that everyone he calls out in his book also sucks?

有沒有可能喬治卡爾是個爛人, 但他在書里噴的那些人也是爛人呢?

[–]Knicksbrohymn 18 指標 6小時前

Absolutely... I"m not sure George Karl isn"t a dick but his criticism of JR, Melo, and Kenyon isn"t all that surprising.


[–]NBAMuffinChaser 9 指標 6小時前

The alienate players angle helped Phil Jackson sell his Last Season book.

禪師上一本書里用的就是離間球員的手法, 書還賣得挺好。

[–]Westcjeremy 10 指標 5小時前

I actually enjoyed Karl"s comments.. they are funny.. Melo does not play good d. that"s a fact.

我實際上倒很喜歡卡爾的評論。 他們很有趣。。。甜瓜確實是不防守的, 這是事實。

[–]8xin1nite 27 指標 6小時前*

When so many people and ex coaches such as D"antoni and Karl call Melo out its probably true. - all the Jeremy Lin shade and D"antoni leaving - no success in while in his prime with the Denver Nuggets - doesn"t wanan play triangle offense, butting heads with Phil Jackson. Where"s there smoke there"s Fire. Owe up to something at least.

為什麼這麼多人和像德安東尼和卡爾這些前教練們都懟過甜瓜呢, 這可能是真的。

林書豪的陰影和德安東尼的離開; 巔峰期在掘金沒有取得成功;不想打三角進攻,跟禪師剛正面。

常言道無風不起浪, 至少有些鍋是他自己的。

[–]Cavalierscompletelygibberish 62 指標 2小時前

Jr was pretty much a piece of shit when he played for the Nugget. Some Karl"s statements could be truer than r/NBA wants to think. They were all probably egotistical assholes back then.

JR在掘金打球的時候就是個渣渣,卡爾說的一些話可能比濕乎乎想的要更接近事實。 很可能當時他們兩都是自我主義的混球。

[–]NuggetsMogusMaximus 28 指標 1小時前

Yeah. It"s not black and white. I"m sure some of what Karl said has some truth to it.

He still looks like a douche though.

是的,並不一定是非黑即白。 我確定卡爾說的內容有些也是事實。


[–][CLE] Kevin LoveThat_Ohio_Guy 163 指標 3小時前

Seriously don"t know why Karl felt the need to diss everyone in his book. Karl is being a fucking prick


[–]HornetsYizWasHere 153 指標 3小時前

He sounds so fucking pretentious. Even the title. "Furious George: My Forty Years Surviving NBA pas, Clueless GMs, and Poor Shot Selection". I hope the dude isn"t expecting to have a job in the NBA ever again.

感覺尼瑪卡爾就是個很自負的人。 看看他這本書的名字《暴走的喬治卡爾:我這四十年里是如何在NBA中倖存的,:無厘頭的總經理們,糟糕的投籃選擇》


[–][MIA] Harold Minerparadoxofchoice 99 指標 3小時前

He"s just trying to sell books. I don"t think he cares about coaching again. I don"t even think he expected to still be alive.

卡爾只是為了賣書。我不覺得他還在乎再次執教與否。 我甚至感覺卡爾都已經覺著活著也沒啥意思了。

[–]KingsOmarDontScare_ 116 指標 3小時前

And people questioned why Cousins didn"t like him.

Our FO is to blame for hiring Karl.

國王蜜: 還有人質疑為什麼考辛斯不喜歡卡爾。


[–]Raptorsgrandrift123 38 指標 3小時前

They did undermine him and they should have let him punish Boggie. Karl is POS, but let"s not act like Boggie is some angel

國王管理層確實架空了卡爾,他們應該讓卡爾懲罰考辛斯。 卡爾雖然人是不咋地,但是也別把考辛斯洗成天使一樣。

[–]Vancouver Grizzliesdimaar 26 指標 3小時前

Get this dude on Area 21 right now, let him and KG go off.


[–][LAL] Dick Schnittker310BrownGuy 43 指標 3小時前*

Dude has never won a Championship. Some people told me in one of the Boogie threads that players respected him and that the Kings undermined him by not letting him punish Boogie after Boogie cursed him out in the locker room. Dude is sad. He"s been around for years and hasn"t won shit. How can you respect someone whose natural conclusion was that the players were all wrong and he was all right? He took shots at everyone, and hasn"t accomplished shit.

卡爾從沒有奪過冠軍。 有些人在討論考辛斯的帖子里跟我說,球員很尊重卡爾,而國王架空了他,考辛斯在更衣室里罵了卡爾,國王卻不讓他懲罰考辛斯。 那傢伙真可悲。卡爾都在聯盟混了這麼久了卻什麼也沒贏下來過。怎麼指望人們尊重一個認為只有自己是對的而球員都是錯的人的想法? 他無差別的噴了所有人,卻從沒有任何乾貨成就。

[–]Seba_359 7 指標 2小時前

Yugoslavia won the 2002 FIBA Championship. Actually Karl was the coach of the first US team to lose a game since NBA players are allowed to play in FIBA tournaments.




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