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Jordan Tiberio 扭曲的鏡頭

紐約攝影師的Jordan Tiberio系列攝影作品《Liquid Mirrors》。

「New York City based photographer Jordan Tiberio is less a photographer than a scientist whose subjects gently blossom underneath the lens zoom of her microscope. She discovers things otherwise unseen, buried, emotions so small you can feel her holding her breath as she observes them. Like magnified images of sand particles, her subjects are at once exquisite and otherworldly, but unlike the cold images of a scientist, Tiberio』s works are charged with affection, pulling her viewer into her blanket of empathy, even in her still-life images.

Jordan Tiberio 扭曲的鏡頭

Jordan Tiberio 扭曲的鏡頭

Jordan Tiberio 扭曲的鏡頭

Jordan Tiberio 扭曲的鏡頭

Jordan Tiberio 扭曲的鏡頭

Jordan Tiberio 扭曲的鏡頭

Jordan Tiberio 扭曲的鏡頭

Jordan Tiberio 扭曲的鏡頭

Jordan Tiberio 扭曲的鏡頭


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