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英國新首相特雷莎將上任 又一位「鐵娘子」

The United Kingdom is about to usher in a leader who is every bit as formidable and steady as the last woman who ran the country: Margaret Thatcher. 英國將迎來新一任領導者,其強悍穩健的作風完全就像國家的上一位女性掌舵人——瑪格麗特?撒切爾夫人。

Like the "Iron Lady," who served as prime minister from 1979 to 1990, Home Secretary Theresa May has a reputation for steely determination and a willingness to stand up to the men who traditionally dominate British politics. 與1979年至1990年擔任首相的「鐵娘子」一樣,內政大臣特雷莎?梅享有盛譽。她有鋼鐵般的決斷,敢於直面那些傳統上主宰英國政治的男性。

英國新首相特雷莎將上任 又一位「鐵娘子」


May joins German Chancellor Angela Merkel as the leader of one of Europe"s biggest nations. If Hillary Clinton wins the US presidential race in November, women would be in charge of the Western world"s most powerful countries. 梅和德國總理安吉拉?默克爾一道,成為了歐洲大國的領導人。如果希拉里?柯林頓在11月贏得美國總統大選,女性將執掌西方世界最具實力的幾個國家。

May, 59, emerged as the leader of the U.K. Monday when her only rival for Conservative Party leader, Energy Minister Andrea Leadsom, 53, dropped out of the race. Prime Minister David Cameron, who announced he would resign after coming up on the losing side in the June 23 Brexit referendum, will step down by Wednesday. 周一,現年59歲的梅成為了英國領導人。在保守黨黨魁的競爭中,她唯一的對手——53歲的能源國務大臣安德里亞?利德索姆退出競選。首相卡梅倫將於周三辭職。6月23日的脫歐公投中他作為失敗一方,宣布自己將離任。

Britain』s Conservative Party confirmed May has been elected party leader 「with immediate effect」 and will become the country』s next prime minister. 英國保守黨確認梅當選黨魁「立即生效」,並且將成為國家的下一任首相。

May is known to have a rigorous grasp of policy detail and a restrained political style that has allowed her to emerge relatively unscathed from the country"s controversial vote to leave the European Union. She sided with the "remain" camp as a loyal supporter of Cameron. 梅以對政策細節的嚴格把握和內斂的政治風格聞名。這使她在備受爭議的脫歐公投中受到較少損害。作為卡梅倫的忠實擁護者,她持「留歐」立場。

During the four-month, acrimonious referendum campaign, May kept a low profile and avoided the heated rhetoric leaders of both campaigns unleashed against one another. She has said she would honor the referendum but hasn"t spelled out details of how quickly she would move to separate Britain from the EU. 在四個月劍拔弩張的公投宣傳活動中,梅保持低調,避開雙方陣營領導者針對彼此的激烈言辭。她表示會尊重公投結果,但並沒有清楚說明將多快帶領英國脫離歐盟。

「I know I』m not a showy politician," May said last month. "I don』t tour the television studios. I don』t gossip about people over lunch. I don』t go drinking in Parliament』s bars." 梅上個月說:「我知道自己不是個惹眼的政治家。我不經常光臨電視演播室,不在吃飯時說人閑話,也不去議會的酒吧喝酒。」

Like Thatcher, who died in 2013, May is a Conservative Party veteran with a strong, pro-market stance. Both have expressed skepticism about growing integration of the EU at the expense of national sovereignty. 與2013年離世的撒切爾夫人一樣,梅也是保守黨資深人士,持有強烈的親市場立場。她們都對以國家主權為代價的歐盟持續一體化表示懷疑。

Thatcher favored power suits and puffy blouses, often accompanied by a pearl necklace. May is also known for her style, especially her leopard-print shoes. 撒切爾喜歡顯示權威的套裝和蓬鬆襯衣,常配以珍珠項鏈。梅也以穿衣風格出名,尤其是她的豹紋鞋。

May is an Oxford graduate with a degree in geography who once worked for the Bank of England and is regarded as the most experienced and qualified candidate to take over from Cameron. She was first elected to Parliament in 1997. 梅畢業於牛津大學,獲地理專業學位,曾就職於英格蘭銀行。她被認為是接替卡梅倫的最具經驗和資格的人選,1997年初次當選國會議員。

The daughter of a vicar, May grew up in Eastbourne, on Britain"s southern coast. On defense, foreign policy and the economy, her record suggests that like Cameron she would be pragmatic. 梅是牧師的女兒,成長於英國南部海岸的伊斯特本。在防禦、外交政策和經濟方面,其履歷表明,她會像卡梅倫一樣務實。

May served as Cameron"s home secretary, a cabinet-level position widely acknowledged to be one of the most challenging jobs in government, involving immigration, national security and crime. She has held the position since 2010 — longer than any other politician in more than 50 years. 梅是卡梅倫的內政大臣,這一內閣職務是公認的最具挑戰性的政府職位之一,掌管移民、國家安全和打擊犯罪事務。她從2010年開始任職,是50多年來擔任內政大臣時間最久的政治家。

May has Type 1 diabetes, a condition that requires four insulin injections per day, but she said she has not let it hold her back. 梅患有1型糖尿病,每天需要注射4次胰島素。但她表示自己並沒有因病而止步不前。

"I just get on and deal with it," she said. 「I go to a lot of functions where I am eating and I speak at dinners, so that brings an added complication. When I』m going to do a debate or speaking at a conference, I have to make sure that I』ve tested and know where I am, so I can adjust as necessary.」 她說:「我只是繼續前行,積極面對它。我出席很多宴會,在那裡吃飯,並且在宴會上講話,這讓病情更複雜。當我要去辯論或在會議上發言時,我必須確保自己測過了血糖且清楚自己所處的情況,因此能適時作出調整。」






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