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Alessandro Barattelli 極簡主義攝影作品欣賞

攝影師Alessandro Barattelli帶來的一組極簡主義城市主題攝影作品,一組簡約的城市印象。

Alessandro Barattelli』s camera is his faithful tool and medium. Particularly attracted to blue skies under which he walks during his travelings. Barattelli is committed to study architectural form and, in general, all the urban landscapes. The contrast between the skies and the architectural materials creates a sense of three-dimensionality, which gives a physical substance to his photographs.

Alessandro Barattelli 極簡主義攝影作品欣賞

Alessandro Barattelli 極簡主義攝影作品欣賞

Alessandro Barattelli 極簡主義攝影作品欣賞

Alessandro Barattelli 極簡主義攝影作品欣賞

Alessandro Barattelli 極簡主義攝影作品欣賞

Alessandro Barattelli 極簡主義攝影作品欣賞

Alessandro Barattelli 極簡主義攝影作品欣賞

Alessandro Barattelli 極簡主義攝影作品欣賞

Alessandro Barattelli 極簡主義攝影作品欣賞

Alessandro Barattelli 極簡主義攝影作品欣賞

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