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Rachel Beltz 迷你細小的手繪插畫

「My first set of miniature watercolor paintings was created in secret – Christmas gifts for my family,」 the 20-year-old artist explained Bored Panda. 「They had fallen in love with these gifts – the looks on their faces had made me feel alive again. Their happiness and joy brought me back into the world of art. These miniatures would be the first step in branching out into the realm of sharing my work- something I』ve never been comfortable with doing.「

Rachel Beltz 迷你細小的手繪插畫

Rachel Beltz 迷你細小的手繪插畫

Rachel Beltz 迷你細小的手繪插畫

Rachel Beltz 迷你細小的手繪插畫

Rachel Beltz 迷你細小的手繪插畫

Rachel Beltz 迷你細小的手繪插畫

Rachel Beltz 迷你細小的手繪插畫

Rachel Beltz 迷你細小的手繪插畫

Rachel Beltz 迷你細小的手繪插畫

Rachel Beltz 迷你細小的手繪插畫

Rachel Beltz 迷你細小的手繪插畫

Rachel Beltz 迷你細小的手繪插畫

Rachel Beltz 迷你細小的手繪插畫

Rachel Beltz 迷你細小的手繪插畫

Rachel Beltz 迷你細小的手繪插畫

請您繼續閱讀更多來自 蘇打蘇塔設計量販鋪 的精彩文章:

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Dao Le Trong 概念插畫欣賞
John William Waterhouse 古典主義繪畫藝術欣賞
Leeor Wild 時尚攝影欣賞
Ario Anindito 插畫作品欣賞

TAG:蘇打蘇塔設計量販鋪 |


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