首頁 > 驚奇 > 印度男子在妻子拒絕性生活後強姦3歲女兒




?JAIPUR: A 35-year-old man allegedly raped his 3-year-old daughter under inebriated condition after his wife refused to have sex with him in the early hours on Wednesday.


The incident was reported from Yagna Shala ki Bawari in Poorani Basti under Nahargarh road police station in the city.

這起事件被在印度Poorani Basti 的Nahargarh路派出所被Yagna Shala ki Bawari報道出來的。

The victim sustained serious injuries and is battling for life at JK Lon hospital. The accused father was arrested later in the day.

受害者受重傷,目前還在JK Lon醫院與死神作鬥爭。而受指控的父親則在當日晚些時候被逮捕。

After raping the victim in the kitchen, the accused left her 150 meters away from his house. He then consumed more liquor before going to sleep.


The victim s mother, meanwhile, woke up at around 2.30am. When she saw her daughter missing, she woke up her husband Ganesh.


"At 3am, we found the mother and father and took them to the hospital where they identified the girl as their daughter. We told her that she was raped," said Mahendra Singh, deputy commissioner of police (north).

警務處副處長Mahendra Singh說,「在早上3點,我們把受害者的父母帶到醫院,他們確認這是他們的女兒,我們告知母親她的女兒被強姦了。」

"The girl was admitted to the hospital. While the mother was crying, the man left the hospital saying he was going out for a shave at the barber s shop. The behaviour was unusual for a man whose daughter had been raped like this. Secondly, his wife and natives of the colony also told us that he was into heavy drinking and had been earlier booked for eveteasing and disturbing peace in the locality. the wife of the accused also complained that his conduct was bad and he always had altercation with girls and women in the locality," said Singh.

Mahendra Singh說,「女孩被送往醫院,母親在哭泣,而男子則稱要去理髮店剃鬚離開了醫院,自己的女兒被強姦後他的行為很不尋常。其次,他的妻子和家屬告訴我們說他經常喝的大醉並據稱在當日早些時候擾亂了社區的平靜,他的妻子還抱怨說他的行為很糟糕,總是與其他女孩和女子發生爭吵。」

All these made the police suspicious about his role in the incident. To zero in on his involvement, the police asked him when he had sex the last time.


"He told us he had sex four days ago. We took him for medical examination at 9am. The report suggested that he had a sexual intercourse just some hours ago. After collecting this scientific evidence, a team of officers interrogated him sternly and he confessed to his crime," Singh added.

Mahendra Singh補充道,「他告訴我們說是4天前,我們在早上9點帶他去醫檢,報告顯示他在數小時之前發生了性交,在收集了科學證據後,一個調查小組對他進行了審問,他最終認罪。」

Police said the accused has no regrets for what he did. "He told us that he had three quarters of liquor before he went to sleep after dinner at 10 pm on Tuesday night. The last quarter of liquor he consumed when he returned home after raping and leaving the girl on the road at 1 am on Wednesday. He said that while raping the infant he put his wrist on the mouth of the girl to ensure that her cry may not be heard," Singh added.

警方稱罪犯對於自己的罪行沒有悔改,Mahendra Singh補充道「他告訴我們說在周二晚十點去睡覺前他喝了四分之三的酒,最後四分之一的酒是他在強姦了自己女兒並在周三早上一點把她扔在街頭之後回來喝的。他說在強姦女兒的時候,他把自己的手臂放在她嘴裡,以確保她的哭喊聲不被他人聽到。」

According to the police, during the three-hour interrogation, the accused did not ask about the health of the infant even once.


"He has no regrets for what he did. However, he said that it was his wife s fault who denied his request of sex," Singh added.

Mahendra Singh說,「他不為自己的所作所為感到後悔,他說這是他妻子的錯,因為她拒絕了性生活的請求。」

Throughout the day while the girl was battling for life at the hospital, the accused never bothered to enquire about the wellbeing of his daughter, even from the interrogating police officers.


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