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Energy, Not Time, Is The Fundamental Currency Of High Performance


According to Tony Schwartz and Jim Loehr, authors of 「The Power of Full Engagement」, performance, health and happiness are grounded in the skillful management of energy. The number of hours in a day is fixed, but the quantity and quality of energy available to us are not. Energy is our most precious resource. The more we take responsibility forthe energy we bring to the world, the more empowered and productive we become.


The Best Way To Optimize Your Energy: Either Fully Engage Or Strategically Disengage



We are human beings, not machines. We perform at our best when we move between expending energy and intermittently renewing energy. We live in a so-called oscillatory universe that is characterized by rhythmic, wavelike movement between activity and rest.

For about 90 minutes you are in high-performance mode. Your alertness, concentration, creativity, emotional resilience, and mental stamina are all at the top of their game. Then, for a period of about 20 minutes, your body needs time to rest and renew its energy stores. Signals include a desire to yawn and stretch, hunger pangs, increased tension, difficulty concentrating, an inclination to procrastinate or fantasize, and a higher incidence of mistakes. To get the most out of your working day,go full out for 90-120 minutes (fully engage) and then take a 15-20 minute break (strategically disengage), and repeat.


We are able to override these natural cycles by summoning the fight-or-flight response and flooding our bodies with stress hormones that are designed to help us handle emergencies. Over the long-run, however, that』s a terrible idea.Toxins and stress hormones will build up in our systemand over time take a toll on our bodies.


4 Sources of Energy


Full engagement requires drawing on four separate but related sources of energy:physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Depending on your personal strengths and weaknesses you will want to focus on optimizing different energy sources.

1. 身體能量 Physical Energy

優化你的營養、睡眠和鍛煉。 Optimize your nutrition, sleep, and exercise.

散步、深呼吸、健康飲食、定期鍛煉等。Going for a walk, deep breathing, eating healthy, working out regularly etc.

2. 情緒能量 Emotional Energy

要正面積極的。 Be positive.

跳舞、烹飪、冥想、和家人吃飯等。 Dancing, cooking, meditating, dining with your family etc.

3. 內心能量 Mental Energy

保持專註,在寬廣和狹窄之間以及內外部的焦點之間靈活地移動。Sustain concentration, and move flexibly between broad and narrow, internal and external focus.

冥想、拋棄多任務處理、玩集中注意力的腦力遊戲、獲得高質量的睡眠等等。 Meditating, ditching multitasking, playing concentration-enhancing brain games, getting quality sleep etc.

4. 精神能量 Spiritual Energy

精神能量是動力、毅力和方向的最有力源泉。它連接我們接根深蒂固的價值觀;也連接超越個人利益的目的。Spiritual energy is the most powerful source of our motivation, perseverance and direction. It is the connection to a deeply held set of values and to a purpose beyond our self-interest.

在公園慢跑、閱讀勵志書籍、重新接合你的目標和價值觀等。 Jogging in nature, reading inspirational books, reconnecting with your purposes and values etc.


How to Use Energy Rituals To Replenish Your Tank

關鍵是要把這些能量補充活動變成「儀式」 ,或者高度結構化的行為,以確保儘可能使用最少的意識能量,讓剩餘的能量聚焦在創意和充實的方面。

簡單地設定一個確切的時間確切的地點,便能大大地增加你實行的機會。假設你想在下班回家後進行冥想的能量儀式。在這種情況下,你可以簡單地定義:「當我下班回家時,我立刻去卧室冥想。」 你也可以創建每周(不僅僅是每天)的能量儀式,比如每周四和你的配偶出去吃飯。或者每周一晚上和你的工作夥伴打羽毛球。


The key is to turn energy-renewing activities into 「rituals」, or highly structured behaviors that ensure we use as little conscious energy as possible, leaving us free to focus the energy available to us in creative, enriching ways.

Simply setting anexact timeandexact placefor when you』ll do something dramatically increases your chances of actually doing it. Let』s say you want to install the energy ritual of meditating when you get home from work. In that instance, you would simply define: 「When I arrive at home from work, then I immediately go to my bedroom and meditate.」You can also create weekly (not just daily) energy rituals such as going out for dinner with your spouse every Thursdays. Or play some badminton with your work buddies every Monday evenings.

So, what are your favorite rejuvenation activities?


We need to live life as a series of sprints, not a never-ending marathon.

圖片來源 網路

編輯 智慧雲




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