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While U.S. moves toward coal, China bets big on solar


DATONG, China -- Scott Pruitt, the head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, declared Monday that "the war on coal is over." He told an audience in Kentucky that he plans to repeal an Obama-era rule that limits carbon emissions from power plants that burn coal.

中國大同:美國環境保護署局長Scott Pruitt周一宣布,「煤炭活動已經結束。」他在肯塔基州對聽眾說,他計劃廢除奧巴馬時期限制燃煤發電廠的碳排放的規定。

China, on the other hand, is doing the opposite. Coal is on the way out and solar power is coming in. On a farm in northern China, they are planting a new crop: Nearly 200,000 solar panels in the heart of coal country. In the south, China flipped the switch on the world's largest floating solar installation -- built on top of a lake created by an abandoned coal mine. Projects like these helped China double its solar capacity last year. It is now twice as big as the U.S. capacity.



Nearly half of all the solar installations in the world are now happening in China and they're doing it quickly. Greenpeace says they are installing the equivalent of a soccer field full of solar panels, every hour of every day.


But China now produces two-thirds of the world's solar panels and has become a major competitor for the U.S. solar industry, which employs a quarter million of American workers.



Politicsthrowaway17 238 points 1 day ago Meanwhile in America, the EPA chief is still fighting the nonexistent "war on coal"... Fuck this administration.


prototype7 67 points 1 day ago Yeah, but the imaginary one where big solar and big wind are destroying the livelihoods of hardworking coal miners... Not the actual one where natural gas is cheaper and mechanization coupled with Mountaintop removal mining means the companies need fewer workers.


NSA_Monitoring 423 points 1 day ago We wonder why we are steadily losing out to China.


cb1920-1518-13 231 points 1 day ago Don't worry, becoming protectionist at this point will clearly keep all the jobs in America. That's how trade works right? It's a zero sum game! The world won't just leave the U.S. behind... right?


schistkickerGeorgia 68 points 1 day ago Somehow they think that because the US is the world's biggest economy now that we'll always be that way by some divine right. Nevermind that between China and India, once they fully industrialize they'll have upwards of 2.5 billion citizens looking to obtain a middle-class lifestyle and the goods and services that come with it...


CallusDem 11 points 1 day ago The Chinese are a lot of things, but they aren't idiots. Hopefully it will not be too late for the US to catch up in renewable energy in 2020 (hopefully sooner).


IraGamagoori_ 28 points 1 day ago If idiots learned, they wouldn't be idiots any more.


redditor9000 3 points 22 hours ago The 21st century will see the rise of China regardless of who we vote into office here.


teyhan_bevafer 19 points 1 day ago That's because China is led by engineers, not a flaming asshole


BlueSwoosh248America 18 points 1 day ago China: Forward Thinking USA: Maximum Regressio


Snarff01 2 points 1 day ago Just as the 20th century was America's, the 21st will be China's.


Rubberbabybuggybum 21 points 1 day ago Can we strike? Just refuse to pay taxes until we have a representative government again? This is bullshit.


a-b-c-d-e- 21 points 1 day ago Hopefully. Teach us a lesson painful enough to remember.


Puckhead88 81 points 1 day ago China plays the long game. Our government is owned by corporatists who couldn't care less about anything but next quarters nut.


capitalsfan08 15 points 1 day ago China plays the long game. China's reasoning for this has nothing to do with anything aside from Northern Chinese are pissed about the smog. This, like their attempt to clean up the air for the Beijing Olympics, is about maintaining their image as the legitimate government of their people. It is a great outcome, but it isn't a long term decision or because they are environmentalists. It's because they have failed terribly in regards to the environment and people can't help but notice the failings of the party. If they could produce the same amount of pollution but isolate it entirely over the Gobi and not where prying eyes could see, nothing would change.




i_already_forgot 27 points 1 day ago No, it's not actually even that. They realized around mid 2010 that solar was coming whether or not they support or opposed climate change legislation. So they decided to get on board with it. It's mostly an economic decision that's dressed up as environmental.


spigotvontwinklenose 15 points 1 day ago It is a great outcome, but it isn't a long term decision or because they are environmentalists. Hey, psst. Guess what? It doesn't matter what their reasons are if they're winning. Hint: They're winning.



felesroo 8 points 1 day ago It's going to get worse. Their children care about education. Americans care about football. In 20 years, Chinese universities may surpass most American ones in research. If America does change course fast, they will be left behind.




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