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2017年,在娛樂產業迅速發展的當下時代,FIRST 作為諾創集團歷經三年時間締造的一個全新夜店品牌閃耀出世。這一次,FIRST攜手音響界的傳奇—世界頂級音響製造商凱亞兄弟(CLAIR BROTHERS)推翻傳統過去,還原音樂現場,回歸音樂的本質,引領玩家進入全新娛樂時代。

2017年10月10日,於上海諾萊仕遊艇上舉行的音響品牌合作發布會完美落幕。本次 FIRST&CLAIR BROTHERS 發布會,國際品牌強強合作,吸引了各大國際知名主流媒體及業界專業人士等親臨現場。

據了解,此次是國際一線音響品牌CLAIR BROTHERS首次與中國夜店品牌合作推出 2017 FIRST&CLAIR BROTHERS 聯名定製款音響。在不遠的將來,FIRST將同來自全球一線的設計師與業界專家共同見證中國夜店未來更高更遠的發展之路。

發布會於當天18:00 準時開始,品牌聯盟總裁吳傑先生、諾創集團總裁邢網海先生、凱亞兄弟亞洲區首席代表CHRIS FISH、諾創集團副總裁魏超先生、金菲集團副總裁葉峰宇先生、諾笛集團總裁范志彪先生、華杭集團總裁萬軍先生、品牌聯盟工程管理中心採購部總監陳仁軍先生親臨現場對此次發布會表示支持!隨之,凱亞兄弟亞洲區首席代表CHRIS FISH以及諾創集團副總裁魏超先生相繼上台致詞。

本次發布會重點闡述了 FIRST 的理念以及與 CLAIR BROTHERS 合作的初心,結合藝術、潮流、高端、社交等相關元素全方位、多層面地描述了 FIRST 在娛樂行業即將呈現的創新與突破。CLAIR BROTHERS作為音響界的傳奇,憑著革新性的技術和出色的服務贏得了全世界的讚譽。此次合作,雙方滿載誠意與信心,FIRST 必將成為新的世界娛樂標杆!

發布會進行中期,諾笛集團總裁范志彪先生、夜界傳媒CEO鬼虎子先生、全球最大色彩派對LIFE IN COLOR 中國主辦方上海天邈文化 CEO TONY 先生、叢林音樂 CEO 黃詩騁先生、中國首個電子音樂平台PYRO 品牌總監 INES YU女士等各品牌首席代表人士依次上台致辭,共同表達了對FIRST 品牌的殷切關注並希望在以後能進行深度合作!

發布會進行冰雕啟動儀式環節,諾創集團副總裁魏超先生、FIRST 主創團隊攜該品牌各屬地首席代表登台致謝全場出席嘉賓,同時宣布: FIRST 品牌與 CLAIR BROTHERS 聯名合作訂製款音響將於發布會之後閃耀登場!而後,全場舉杯同慶,致敬一個全新娛樂品牌的誕生!

據了解,2017 FIRST&CLAIR BROTHERS 聯名音響是凱亞兄弟僅為FIRST 特別定製,區別於其他品牌,此款音響擁有更高解析力,更強穿透力,完美呈現國際一級真 LIVE 現場音質享受。FIRST 的初心與匠心通過攜手 CLAIR BROTHERS 五十年對品質的追逐,國際上的強強合作,足以呈現穿越半個世紀的完美音質。

結束之際,現場主辦方以燈光舞美藝術大秀作為開場,特邀 DJ ken 讓各位在場嘉賓享受了一場現代藝術與潮流派對完美交互的視聽盛宴。CLAIR BROTHERS 用品質讓 FIRST 為音樂發聲,讓靈魂啟程!

First Club Second Life



presents the perfect quality of sound

over half a century

In the rapid development of entertainment industry, Nuochuang group has been promoting a new brand for three years. This time, FIRST will join the music of the legend company, CLAIR BROTHERS, to overthrow the past, and lead players into a new era of current entertainment.

On October 10th, 2017, the sound brand conference on Shanghai Noahs Yacht Club was perfect. This celebration is a joint collaboration with CLAIR BROTHERS, which has attracted major international mainstream media and industry professionals.

It is the first time that the international first-line acoustics brand CLAIR BROTHERS, has cooperated with Chinese club brand. FIRST, it will jointly witness the development path of Chinese night clubs with the world s leading designers and industry experts.

The ceremony began at 18:00 on the same day. Mr. Wu, President of the alliance of brands, made the speech on behalf of the The brand alliance. Subsequently, Mr. Chris, the chief representative of the Asian region of the CLAIR BROTHERS, and Mr. Wei, vice President of Nuochuang group, made speech.

The conference focused on the FIRST method and CLAIR BROTHERS cooperation of beginner s mind, combined with art, fashion, high-end, social elements related to all-round, multi-level to describe the FIRST innovation and breakthroughs in the entertainment industry. As a legend in the acoustics world, CLAIR BROTHERS won worldwide acclaim for its innovative,technology and excellent service. With sincerity and confidence in this cooperation, FIRST will surely become the new world standard of entertainment industry!

The chief representatives of each brand took the stage to make speeches in turn to express their sincere concern about FIRST brand and hope to have in-depth cooperation in the future.

When it』s time to Champagne ceremony , Mr Zou, Mr Dai, Mrs.Xie, Mr. Xing etc,with the FIRST team announced that: FIRST brand with CLAIR BROTHERS joint cooperation must light up the world! Then, everyone present raise a glass of champagne to celebrate the birth of a new entertainment brand!

According to the understanding, 2017 FIRST&CLAIR BROTHERS joint acoustics is that the kea BROTHERS are only specially designed for FIRST, which is different from other brands, which has a higher resolution force and more penetrating power. FIRST, the heart and ingenuity of the heart and craftsmanship have been working together with CLAIR BROTHERS 5 to pursue the quality, the international strong cooperation, only to present the perfect sound quality through half a century.

At the end, the host of the conference started with the great show of lighting and dancing, and invited DJ Ken to invite guests enjoying the audio-visual feast of the perfect interaction between modern art and fashion party.

At this point, 2017, FIRST&CLAIR BROTHERS exclusively customized audio, for music sound, for the soul to start!

First Club, Second Life.

Makes Your Second Life.



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