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这些年刷过的咖啡馆-都灵 Caffe Torino

当罗马的号角停止吹奏,它仿佛信号一般,一切都归于静止。庞大却优雅的车辆放缓行驶,绅士们脱帽行礼,而女士们则轻提裙裾,屈膝行礼。即便是小店的主人们,也会迅速跨出店门,彬彬有礼的相互问候。店内的顾客们微笑驻足,观看店外情景。随后,Savoy家的Umberto, Mafalda 和 Maria 会一路走来,比其他任何人都更加优雅有礼,他们高昂起头,行走间带着尊严,只有学习过如何像国王一家一般行走的人们才有的尊严。而当他们出现在Piazza San Carlo广场时,都灵咖啡馆从前的主人和身着制服的服务员会走出咖啡馆,欢迎他们的到来,仿佛一整支管家队伍……

“When the horns stopped blowing in Via Roma, it was like a kind of signal. Everything came to a halt. The big, elegant cars slowed down, the gentlemen raised their hats and the ladies dropped curtseys. Even the storekeepers came out quickly and attentively to exchange greetings. The customers inside the shops watched everything through the windows, smiling. Then Umberto, Mafalda and Maria of Savoy would come walking along, more elegant than anyone else, their heads held high. They moved with the kind of dignity of people who had learnt how to walk as the family of a king should walk. And as soon as they appeared in Piazza San Carlo, liveried waiters would come out of the Caffè Torino to welcome them, like a whole squad of butlers, with the old owner of the Caffè to the fore...”


This image of Turin in the 1930s shows how the life of a busy, lively city revolved aroud a few special focal points. The Caffè Torino was - and still is - one of the most important of these.

都灵咖啡馆最初于1903年开始营业。她的创始人以一名企业家充分的勇气,希望能够与当时那些著名的老咖啡馆一较高下,那些多年来一直忽视华丽Piazza San Carlo广场的老咖啡馆。他将都灵咖啡馆改建成一家沙龙,而都灵咖啡馆的内部装饰也采用了世纪之交最为盛行的装饰:美丽的大理石、彩色的圆形图案、镶满精美浮雕的木头长椅、奢华的台阶和华丽的镶金镜子。此般品味永恒,如今看来,依旧美好如初。

The Caffè Torino first opened in 1903. Its founder was courageous enough - and enough of an entrepreneur - to want to enter into competition with the famous old cafes which has overlooked the wonderful Piazza San Carlo for so many years. He turned the Caffè Torino into a kind a salon. The Caffè Torino was decorated according to the taste which prevailed at the turn of the century: beautiful marble, painted medallions, finely embossed long benches of wood and marble, a sumptuous staircase and beautiful gilded mirrors. It is the kind of taste which is timeless and which still looks good today.

都灵咖啡馆本身便是一家令人无法忘怀的永不过时的咖啡店。一直以来,它便是发生各样故事的完美地点——历史的、文化的、还有尘世的纷纷扰扰。许多名人都曾光顾都灵咖啡馆,从Pavese,到Einaudi,到De Gasperi。20世纪50年代一些传奇的明星们也曾光顾这里——James Stewart就是其中一位,还有美丽动人的Ava Gardner,在她深爱着Walter Chiari,哦,还有最美艳动人年月的Brigitte Bardot,更不用提,还有令人无法忘怀的Erminio Macario。

The Caffè Torino itself is timeless and unforgettable. It has been the ideal setting for a wealth of scenes and stories - sometimes historical, sometimes cultural, sometimes just worldly and sophisticated. Many illustrious people, from Pavese to Einaudi to De Gasperi, used to go to the Caffè Torino. Some of the legendary stars of the 1950s also went there - James Stewart for one, the beautiful Ava Gardner, when she was in love with Walter Chiari, for another, Brigitte Bardot, at her most stunning... and this is not to mention the unforgettable Erminio Macario.


The Caffè Torino miraculously managed to escape unharmed from the Allied bombing raids in November 1942. It then entered a whole new phase of glamour during the glittering 1950s, which were in such contrast to the grey depression and sadness of the war years. At that time, people could even sit outside during the winter thanks to a system of heating which used infrared rays. The fashion for sitting outside in winter is now coming back - so the Caffè Torino was fifty years or so ahead of its time.


People from Turin like to stop and look at the windows of the Caffè Torino. A good number of tourists doing the same thing have been pleasantly surprised. There are wonderful displays of good things in the windws, just as there were almost a certury ago. There are sweetes and chocolates on siver trays and beautifully packaged specialities made by expert confectioners and pastry-makers. These displays outdo themselves at Christmas and Easter, when the delicious things on view become veritable works of art - so much so that they have even been featured in the pages of “Life”.


The Caffè Torino is now almost a hundred tears old. It still maintains the original furnishings and decorations, which look as good today as they did when the Caffè Torino opened. Its rarities have remained unchanged through time. The quality of its exclusive recipes, and the care with which they are prepared, has also remained unchanged. Its delicious delicacies are still unique. Even a simple cup of hot chocolate has an extra special something different at the Caffè Torino.


The Caffè Torino is an ode to good taste - in every sense of the word - and it now boasts an elegant restaurant. Anyone who yearns for more of the Caffè Torino’s irresestible Belle Epoque atmosphere, and who finds that breakfast does not provide enough of it, can now return for lunch. They can enjoy a delicious meal in unique surroundings - a wonderful combination which keeps people coming back for more... and more... and more.

首先她家实用的是la cimbali的机器


标准的意式咖啡,微小的一杯,香味一般,口感偏酸,回味发苦,整体的感觉稍好。 1.1欧


有拉花,奶泡细腻,口感柔顺,奶香味浓郁,整体感觉平衡,但是无太大的特色。 1.6欧

caffe sheck

咖啡香气宜人,口感清凉爽口,原料为咖啡和糖浆,用机器搅拌而成,泡沫不够细腻。 2.8欧


这是都灵市特有的一种饮品,由咖啡,巧克力,奶油调配而成,因为是第一次接触,不是太了解,第一口喝,给人过腻的感觉,甜味过于的厚重,巧克力的香味还是很浓郁的。有机会比较一下 caffe mulassano家的味道。 3.6欧



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