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Cash is already pretty much dead in China as the country lives the future with mobile pay


Mainland Chinese stores and services are increasingly centered around mobile pay apps like WeChat Pay and Alipay. Chinese mobile payment volume more than doubled to $5 trillion in 2016, according to Analysys data cited by Hillhouse Capital. Mobile pay is growing so rapidly in mainland China that as a foreigner, I sometimes found it difficult to complete basic transactions without it. The dominance of mobile transactions lends itself to greater data collection by the Chinese 。






standswithpencil 4561 points 3 days ago Cash is not dead in China. Total hype headline. It's true that epaying is widespread and increasing, but this reporter seems to just stick to major cities like Beijing and not know that cash is essential in the countryside and small towns. Typical foreign journalist basing their experience in the trophy cities while ignoring what China is like in the rest of the country


kar639 678 points 3 days ago So true. Cities of more than 2 million people are still cash only in many parts of northern China.


[–]krakenftrs 147 points 3 days ago It's changing fast though. Basicly all they need to get wechat payments is a sticker with their QR on the booth. Could use wechat and alipay to buy ice cream on roadside stops in Inner Mongolia last month. Granted those cater to tourists, but it's changing fast. No problem in Tonghua either.


gootwo 51 points 4 days ago Cash only for the train ticket machines in HK, which really surprised me when I was there recently (and was also really annoying, frankly).


dijano 18 points 4 days ago People use something called octopus in Hong Kong check it out


[–]Malkiot 12 points 4 days ago I'm not sure I like cashless. In fact, I'm pretty sure I dislike the whole idea. With a password it's too much of a hassle, without it's a security risk. Then there's the whole tracking thing. So, no thanks.


natebest2000 238 points 4 days ago Is anyone else bothered by the control over finances that would come from a cashless society? If the banks still maintain control over your balance what prevents them from implementing negative interest rates? Then you can't exactly withdraw your money in any physical form, right? Sure it may be a paranoid idea and if you disagree with it, I'd rather I be wrong than you. I promise.

有沒有人因為無現金社會來臨、資金被控制而受困擾呢? 如果銀行仍控制你的餘額,那什麼會阻止他們實施負利率?那麼你就不能以任何實物形式取出你的錢,對吧? 當然,這可能是一個偏執的想法,如果你不同意,我寧願我錯了。

Cell-i-Zenit 51 points 4 days ago cashless will be cryptocurrency. Its decentralized and noone can force you go give out the money. The banks have no control.


Aeroxin 116 points 4 days ago This is one of the problems cryptocurrency directly solves and one of the reasons it is increasing in popularity.


T_P_H_ 1100 points 4 days ago Can't wait until cash is eliminated and it's card only. I really need to give up 3-4% of my spending income every year to a credit card company. I have too much money. I can't wait for transactions between individuals to be tracked and sales tax applied. I don't want to be able to sell a used couch to a friend without it being tracked and sales taxed as well as the purchase price be applied to my yearly income for income tax purposes. And, once cash is eliminated the CC companies can change the processing rip to whatever they want. They need more money.




TGCK 373 points 4 days ago I got into a conversation with a crackpot on the subway once and he was convinced that when if the world was cashless, the banks (or otherwise) could sell your spending information to health insurers or employers or disgruntled ex-wives - how much your spending on alcohol and cigarettes or maybe escorts and strip clubs. I know he was crazy but I'm interested to see how far that rabbit hole may go.


[–]T_P_H_ 462 points 4 days ago I talked to a crackpot once who said Google, Facebook and all of those sites were going to track internet movements and sell the data and that personal info would be exposed to hackers through lax security. I know he was crazy.... but.


Gorzoid 130 points 4 days ago These crackpots man, they know too much


catfroman 22 points 4 days ago Just got back from a 3-week stay in China and I can say this is like half-true. Basically every place takes payment via QR code and they were on everything compared to here in the States, but at the same time, we used cash at least twice a week while there. So yeah, it's in transition but while they're ahead of the States in this regard, cash definitely isn't "dead"



[–]Whatofitpunk 108 points 4 days ago Cash is certainly not pretty much dead in China...There are hundreds of thousands of street vendors that don't have anything to process mobile payments with...


[–]switchblade420subtle 56 points 4 days ago WeChat is the app that a lot of people use. It's like a combination whatsapp/banking app, and if you have a phone you will most probably using it to do business. Now I don't know how many street vendors earn enough to maintain a shop, but don't have access to a phone to use one of the most common modes of payment, but I'm guessing that number isn't too high.


gladvillain 36 points 4 days ago* I live in China and even the smallest of street vendors accept mobile payments via alipay or wechat pay. Still, plenty of people use cash, so I wouldn't say it's dead, but a business won't survive unless they accept some form of mobile pay, which is incredibly simple to setup and implement. I can go for weeks without using cash at all and I never use my bankcard.


zyzeast 14 points 4 days ago I think people are confused with the point of the article. It's not saying you can't use cash anymore, of course you can still use cash, it's just that right now people simply prefer to not use cash and everyone that lives in modernized parts of China are more likely to pay with their cellphones instead of cash.




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