首頁 > 最新 > 外國網友評論:中印間的比較有什麼看法?




Dawei Chen, lives in Beijing, China

Answered Jul 3

China and India are the two emerging giants that constitute the main engine for the ;re-birth of Asia.

In China, India is viewed as the other fast developing Asian nation that shares many similar characters as China.

When I was still a secondary schooler, over a decade ago in China, a history teacher told us in class, very seriously,

;we (China and India), were once glorious civilizations. But setbacks, wars, and western colonialism hurt us deeply, yet it also taught us lessons. It is now on your shoulders to make sure we can rise up to where we belong.

It was a rather general, and off-topic statement. And I couldn』t really appreciate what she meant, for all I cared about were basketball, video-games, girls and grades…

Well, I haven』t changed much, but China and India sure have:






Navi Raj, former Sales Manager in Pharmaceutical Firm

Answered Jul 16

I went china and honk Kong in 2016, saw the great wall and many places. Apart from economy status of both countries i feel china is much more developed. Hong Kong looks like London, there is no comparison in terms of std of living, infrastructure, cleanliness, road manners, India is still lot behind, i』d say atleast 25 years behind.

Railway stations there are like airports here, so clean and well organised. But there are hardly any sign boards in english. Their markets are flooded with electronics and way cheaper then in india. China is almost developed if not properly developed. Their country side presents a diff story with lower std of living and from there it looks terribly under developed nation. But mostly i feel China is much ahead in every sense, be it military, economy or infrastructure.



Sourav Goswami, Founder (2012-present)

Updated Jul 23

In fact, the opinion of Chinese in Zhihu towards India is pretty bad.

Lets say they are ignorant about India and have no respect for Indians or our political system.

They know India is very poor and backward and compare us with Laos.

Sometimes, I feel very bad while reading the answers , but I know most of the Chinese are very friendly and kind. Therefore, I have no hard feelings towards them.

If India does well in the future, we will catch the attention of China and Chinese. Otherwise, they just know that we exist and that is that.






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