首頁 > 美容 > 法國《Marie Claire》雜誌 2017年度補水效果最好的護膚品10強

法國《Marie Claire》雜誌 2017年度補水效果最好的護膚品10強

《marie claire》雜誌誕生於法國,1988年創刊。曾為貝克漢姆打破了十四年不用男性做封面傳統的。2002年小貝一句「我在床上如同野獸」,讓多少女性為之「崩潰」啊! 目前《Marie Claire》在全球坐擁24個版本,是世界著名高檔女性期刊之一。《marie claire》一向以細膩的女性視角、獨特的社會報道,展現多元化的潮流生活。《Marie Claire》喜歡以浪漫的方式告訴讀者這個真實的世界是怎樣的,幫助讀者達到她夢想中的生活。

1 Lancomewateredge soothingcream

Total score: 9.5points,moisturedegree: 9.5 points, moisture degree: 9.8 points

The new upgrade Lancome Lancome water edge soothing cream has natural plant formula, as the day creamnightas a sleep mask for protection, intensive care. Cream texture, extraction China traditional herbs Centella asiatica, make skin instantly have a feeling of freshness, restore rich, soft texture, and the depth of replenishment.

1 蘭蔻 水分緣舒緩凝霜

總評分:9.5分 保濕度:9.5分 滋潤度:9.8分


2 Kiehl"s high moisturizing cream

Total score: 9.5 points, moisture degree: 9.5 points, moisture degree: 9.7 points

Mention of moisturizing products St., the first thought is Kiehl"s high moisturizing cream, it is refreshing, not only can provide 24 hours of continuous moisture, replenish water in a day. And even in severe weather, it also allows the skin to visibly balance moisture, so that the skin looks smooth, healthy and moist. No wonder women are recognized as an incomparable cream.

2 科顏氏高保濕面霜

總評分:9.5分 保濕度:9.5分 滋潤度:9.7分


3 Zeefine snail release liquid mask

Total score: 9.5 points, moisture degree: 9.5 points, moisture degree: 9.7 points

Snails liquid natural has a very good moisturizing effect, but also because the fine molecular snail dope can be deeper, water and water conservation, in Europe, known as the natural snail dope skin gold liquid, currently only 2 snails liquid origin, one in a country in Henan in Switzerland, declared by this brand is China Henan, the Yellow River river snail solution quality is very good, the raw material exports to South Korea and France Ian Jiao Yun Shi and other countries, so the selection of authentic natural snail dope with the Henan declaration by now, in many countries the sales amount in excess of the Korean Ian.

3 宣致蝸牛原液面膜

總評分:9.5分 保濕度:9.5分 滋潤度:9.7分


4 Estee Lauder pomegranate Night Cream

Total score: 9.5 points, moisture degree: 9.4 points, moisture degree: 9.6 points

It can nourish the skin at night, add moisture to the skin, and repair the skin cells which are stimulated by the environment during the day. It helps to accelerate the self-renewal of the skin during the night and regain the ability to repair itself. Rich in vitamins and fruit extracts, at night to help skin against free radicals, but also as the evening sleep mask, let your skin at night Paizhuo, set up a "glossy repository for the skin, the energy required reserves during the day.

4 雅詩蘭黛 紅石榴晚霜

總評分:9.5分 保濕度:9.4分 滋潤度:9.6分


5 Avene Avene moisturizing cream

Total score: 9.5 points, moisture degree: 9.3 points, moisture degree: 9.6 points

Natural repair moisturizing factor and Avene live water synergy, can relieve, moisturizing, relieve skin sensitive phenomenon. With white vaseline and plant squalane, effectively repair water membrane and rebuild the skin protective barrier, make the skin gradually recover, farewell sensitive glow.

5 雅漾 Avene修護保濕霜

總評分:9.5分 保濕度:9.3分 滋潤度:9.6分

天然修護保濕因子與雅漾活泉水協同作用,可舒緩、保濕,緩解肌膚敏感現象。含白 凡士林 和植物性角鯊烷,有效修復水脂膜,重建皮膚保護屏障,使皮膚逐漸恢復健康,告別敏感,煥發光彩。

6 OLAY Regenerist micro sculpting can live in water

Total score: 9.3 points, moisture: 9.5 points, moisture: 9.5 points

Contains nearly 90%essenceingredients of live water, for the first time the precious peptide essence and five popular anti-aging moisturizing ingredients perfect combination, immediately enhance skin moisture 80%. Beyond the make-up water, simple replenishment function, more able to reduce the fine lines, around the remodeling, compact skin, the effect is comparable to the top brands of expensive high-performance water!

6 玉蘭油 /OLAY 新生塑顏金純活能水

總評分:9.3分 保濕度:9.5分 滋潤度:9.5分

含有近90%精華液成分的活能水,首次將珍貴雙肽精華和五大熱門抗老保濕成分 完美 結合,即刻提升肌膚水潤度80%。超越化妝水簡單補水功能,更能減淡細紋,四周重塑緊緻肌膚,效果媲美頂級品牌昂貴高機能水!

7 Mamonde stretch essence

Total score: 9.5 points, moisture degree: 9.5 points, moisture degree: 9.3 points

The pursuit of Mamonde for women around the world to create a dream like makeup, deeply affects thousands of MM, the Mamonde lifting essence is Mamonde"s research experts breakthrough from the spring in the nature of inspiration, the essence of soybean, pumpkin, rye healthy active ingredients, SPR-ING Complex unique essence formula developed, before the birth of the star of a single product.

7 夢妝彈力提升精華露

總評分:9.5分 保濕度:9.5分 滋潤度:9.3分

夢妝追求為全球女性打造出像夢境般的妝容,一直深深牽動著萬千MM的心,這款夢妝彈力提升精華露是夢妝的科研專家突破性地從春天的大自然中獲得的靈感,精萃大豆、南瓜、黑麥中健康的有效成分,研製出獨特的SPR-ING Complex精華配方,才誕生了這款明星單品。

8 Kiehl"s Calendula herbal toner

Total score: 9.5 points, moisture degree: 9.2 points, moisture degree: 9.9 points

It can clean, balance, activate and regulate the skin, and help the healing of acne scars, and improve the infection and inflammation caused by slight acne. Wiping make-up water, with a non viscous cool and refreshing feeling. For the planned expansion of the pores, a bottle of lotion can effectively wipe and gently remove deep pores Laocan cutin and comedo acne. Soften the old horny, deep penetration to the bottom of the pores, dissolve the old angle suppository, give the skin smooth and full, inhibit the formation of angle plug.

8 科顏氏金盞花植物精華爽膚水

總評分:9.5分 保濕度:9.2分 滋潤度:9.9分

可清潔、均衡、活化、調理肌膚,並且有助於青春痘疤痕之癒合,及改善輕微因粉刺而造成的感染髮炎現象。擦拭型化妝水, 有著不粘稠清涼感。針對著意的擴張毛孔,一瓶擦拭型化妝水可有效和溫柔地去除毛孔深處的老殘角質和頭粉刺。軟化老殘角質,深入浸透至毛孔底層溶解陳年角栓,給予肌膚光滑飽滿抑制角栓形成。

9 moisturizing essence gel

Total score: 9.1 points, moisture degree: 9.5 points, moisture degree: 9.2 points

The natural moisturizing factor makes your skin feel moist all day long and easy to push away. After use, it will not feel too sticky, sensitive skin can be assured to use. The skin is obviously improved, the skin is more delicate, smooth, looks tough and more shiny. Rich in the active ingredient vitamin C glucoside, by the skin surface supplement arginine PCA and serine, makes up for the natural moisture factor deficiency.

9 理膚泉立潤保濕精華凝露

總評分:9.1分 保濕度:9.5分 滋潤度:9.2分


10 Chanel moisturizing essence water (fresh type)

Total score: 9.1 points, moisture degree: 9.1 points, moisture degree: 9.2 points

Deep moisturizing effect, can immediately bring moisture to the skin texture, moderate texture, so that the skin is no burden. It"s the best choice for dry skin. After cleansing the skin thoroughly without alcohol, it is the first step to moisturize and relieve skin. It can fully regulate the skin and prepare for more effective absorption of the following skin care products.

10 香奈兒潤澤活力精華水(清新型)

總評分:9.1分 保濕度:9.1分 滋潤度:9.2分




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