首頁 > 最新 > 廣交會上如果客戶問你這幾個問題,該如何回答?



1.「Your price is too high 」

Sales: Dear buyer, the exiting price just for reference, may I know the quantity that you want to purchase?

Buyer: 「More than you expect」

Sales: Great! may I kindly know the specific amount in your order, please?

Buyer: 「30 thousand 」

Sales: Got it. Base on your order the price is negotiable. Base on your demand, We can give you a preferential price as the loyal client, and we』ll arrange the price to be $XXOO FOB as the first deal.

Buyer: 「It』s still very expensive for me.」

Sales: Dear sir/madam, this price is base on the superior performance which the receiver having. We ensure you get what you pay.

Frankly speaking, in order to have a better propaganda effect in this exhibition, this price is our rock button price already.

Otherwise, we earn no benefit and will lose the cost unless you can increase you order.

Buyer: 「I know your function is Okay, this is the reason why I want to choose you guy, but you know, the price should be also competitive. Can you make a little more discount for me?」

Sales: Sure, sir/madam. The price should be competitive, and it had already been compare with the average lever of the international market.

Likewise, except the superior function, as the first order of you, our professional R&D team will design and create a most suitable solution for your market require.

What』s more, our products are customized, you will find out both of our prices and configurations are to the taste of your market.

So, you will enjoy the best product and service on the price you pay. It』s definitely worth.

(Tips:一定要先知道客人的quantity, 注意轉移焦點的戰術,將客人的focus 轉移到其它方面去說,如質量,服務,去說服客人。如果不行,可嘗試建議客人降低配置以減少成本,或者換另一款產品介紹給客人。如果客人還insist bargain,先留電,以後慢慢磨)

2.「I can』t find my needed product from your roadmap」

Sales: Dear buyer, as a show, we can not bring all the product in one time, we apologize for it first.

The exiting produce which have being shown just a part of them . Actually, we have various product and we ensure there』re some will fit you.

Likewise, we have a professional R&S team which can provide an innovative model depend on your details requirement.

In addition, the research period is short and the effect is excellent.

May I kindly know what kind of modle you expect to have?


3.「I never heard about your company!」

Sales: Really? It』s my great honor to introduce our company to you.

We XXOO Company started business in 2004. With headquarter in Zhuhai and sub-office in HK and Shenzhen.

With around 1 million produce exported every month, we gain a foremost standing to serve our loyal clients in the markets of Europe, Middle East, Latin America, North Africa and Australia.

We have various kinds of product, normally they can be divided into 4 kinds: XXOO , XOXO , XOOX, OOXX;

And also we have a professional R&S team which can provide an innovative model depend on your details requirement.

In addition, the research period is short and the effect is excellent.

After all these years of struggle and hard work, we has become one of the leading company for XXOO production, manufacture and export in China.

Now, may I kindly know what kind of receiver you expect to have?

(呵呵,除非你在500強的大公司工作,不然,還真的有客人會問這個問題!初聽起來,覺得這也太囂張了吧?!心裡一憤,一驚,或者一亂,就開始亂說一通了。更有的人,說急了就掏出名片,告訴客人:「上我司的網站查一下,你就知道哈」……,客人都在自己面前了,還不捉住機會,讓客人回家去看網站。呵呵 。其實,介紹自己的公司只要突出幾個重點就可以了:如公司名,規模,市場分布,生產能力,產品類型,科研創新能力等。能在一兩個點上吸引到客人就行。)

4.Quality of B Company is much better than yours」

Sales: Yeah, dear buyer. Comparably.

For the quality, our quality is also good, it pass the strict ISO identification with it』s stable performance. It』s quite excellent compare with the average level in today world market.

And as you know, except the quality, the price is also very important when you compete to seize the market. For our product, the price is really competitive then another else.

In order to have a better propaganda effect and further cooperation, we』ll give you the rock button price to ensure you benefit. I am sure you will be appreciated for it.

What』s more, our professional R&D team and service team and provide the integrated service through the whole business, which can put you in the best position to seize the market.

We promise, you can enjoy not only the excellent quality, but also the preferential price and integrated service in our company.

(Tips: 客人拿出別的公司更好質量的產品,我們並不需要一定要從質量這個點去說服客人,硬要說我們的就一定好過你說的那公司(同類產品你不可能保證你就最好,何況如果客戶提及的產品本來就是公認的最好呢?),其實,只需要揚長避短,說明的們的產品質量是很好的,即使沒你說的世界第一那麼好,但起碼是高水平,有ISO認證怎樣怎樣的就行,另外,要突出我們自己的優勢,如:價錢,服務等,讓客人信服。這樣的效果會更好。)

5.「You are not professional, where is your manager or boss」

Sales: Sorry to have kept you not understand. Maybe I didn』t express it well just now, please let me explain it to you again clear. I do really hope to solve it for you.

Buyer: 「No need, I don』t think you are professional enough.」

Sales: Dear sir/madam, I』ve been trained with details of the product, may I know which point you are confused and I will try my best to make it clear to you in a effective way in order to save your time.

Buyer: 「No, your title is not enough to solve my problem, ask you manager to come」

Sales: Dear sir/madam, I do hope to solve you inquire as I am a senior staff in our company.

May I kindly know you request and try to help you fit it first? If I can not work it out, I will ask my superior for help.

(Tips: 我相信,只要你表現出足夠的真誠,熱心,和渴望為客人解決問題的責任. 客戶會再給機會你的,當然,如果自己真的很爛,就不要再浪費客人時間了,快叫幫拖吧哈!)

6.「I found the same product as yours at another booth, are you copying their product?」

Sales: O? Really? Dear sir/madam, as a STB, maybe the appearances are similar, but in fact they are definitely different. And we sure our product is more better.

In our company, we has a professional R&D team which can provide you the most suitable and innovative solution with the stable performance.

Except that, we can also help to design a unique appearance for you if you want to make a special expression to your client, it is customized. I』m sure you』ll be satisfied with it.

And in order to ensure your benefit, our quantity and price are both quite competitive.

In addition with our integrated service and short team lead time, we sure our product is more better then the one you saw just now.

(Tips: 這個問題可以說是客人的老招了,要怎麼招就該怎麼招,呵呵,其實客人只是在「投石問路」的多。)

7.「You said you could finish the product in Q2, why I can』t have one sample even now in Q3?」

Sales: Dear sir/madam, sorry to make you not convenient, we need to apologize first.

Actually, We already have the product ready for you in Q2 to meet you request, but our R&D team just launch out a new arrangement in software aspect to make the system run more stably.

In order to help you upgrade to this new arrangement, we delay to deliver. Really sorry about it .

But we promise, we will deliver the product to you next week, and we sure the product will be more better then you expect before .

Hereby, we apologize again and guarantee it will not be happened again.

(Tips: 延期交貨,其實也是會經常遇到的一個情況,我們都知道,外國的客人對時間都是很看重的,你不守時,就是沒信用。搞不好,客人就會壓價,要賠償吖,什麼麻煩的都來了。遇到這類情況,客人問到了,就一定要真誠道歉,說明具體原因,並且,重點是要說明,延期內是為客人做了有價值的工作的(即使不是你也得說成是,不然就死定了!),並給出明確時間的解決方案,承諾下次不會再出現類似情況。)



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