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Does it affect practicing to make profits by doing business?





Q: I treat every customer sincerely with lower prices. If I make profits in that way, does it affect practicing?


If you really behave that way, it won』t affect practice. In fact, doing business also causes some faults, but you have right aspirations with pure mind. You make aspirations to create convenient conditions not for yourself, bur for customers and beings having connection with you, so in this way, doing any business, you will not cause any bad karmic result or faults. There is no need to consider making money, because with right conduct, you will get the result naturally.

As practitioners, we should focus on right aspirations and right methods. With right aspirations and right methods, results will arise naturally, and there is no need to consider other factors. If for temporary benefits, we prefer results instead of right aspirations and methods, thinking how to cheat others in order to make lots of money and enjoy it, that is not the right aspiration. With evil mind, there come faults. There are many practitioners doing business, thinking it a dilemma –they have to do business, but they also worry doing business will cause faults. By transforming minds, you will find nothing difficult. It will be fine if you can control your mindset.



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