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131.I can do butterfly.我會游蝶泳。

132.I can swim freestyle.我會游自由泳。

133.I like freestyle best.我最喜歡自由泳。

134.He is proficient at swimming.他精通游泳。

135.What style can you swim?你會游什麼泳姿?

136.I can swim further than you.我比你游得遠些。

137.I only can do the doggy paddle.我只會狗刨式。

138.I rent a life buoy for you.我給你租了一個游泳圈。

139.What swimming strokes can you do?你會游什麼泳姿?

140.I"ll go for a swim in the afternoon.我下午要去游泳。

141.I can go for a paddle anytime I want.我什麼時候去海邊游水都可以。

142.I"m melting.Let"s go for a swim/go swimming.我都快融化了。去游泳吧!

143.This swimming pool is available only in summer.這個游泳池只在夏天開放。

144.Shall we take a dip in the sea? The temperature is perfect.要不要一起在海里游一會兒?水溫正好。

145.She does a couple of lengths in the swimming pool and she"s short of breath.她剛在游泳池裡遊了兩圈,就喘得上氣不接下氣。

146.They run barefoot.他們赤腳跑步。

147.How often do you run?你多久跑一次步?

148.Would you like to run with me?你願意和我跑步嗎?

149.I exercise every night by jogging.我每天晚上都慢跑。

150.I ran all through the university.我經常跑步穿過大學校園。

151.Would you like to try ultra marathons?你想嘗試一下超級馬拉松嗎?

152.we"ve been running the last couple of nights. 我們前幾天晚上一直一起跑步。

153.Do you think you"ll be running your whole life?你認為你會一輩子都堅持跑步嗎?

154.I"ve been drinking so I don"t run so fast anymore.自從我喝酒之後就再也跑得不快了。

155.I prefer jogging in morning even though rain or shine.我喜歡早上跑步無論颳風下雨。

156.I"m terrible at golf.我高爾夫打的不好。

157.I had taken my stance.我已經做好了我的站位。

158.How far away was your tee shot?開球開了多遠距離?

159.How much is it for one person per day? 1個人1天多少錢?

160.What club did you choose for teeing off?你發球用了什麼桿?

161.Would you go and play golf with me?你想跟我一起去打高爾夫嗎?

162.I"d like to make a reservation of my tee time.我想預約開球時間。

163.Would you tell me the available tee time for tomorrow?可以告訴我明天可預約的發球時間嗎?

164.My friend invited us to play at his private golf course.我朋友邀請我們去他的私人高爾夫球場打高爾夫。

165.There are basically three ways to grip club: Overlapping grip,Interlocking and Baseball Grip.高爾夫有三種基本的握桿方式:重疊式握桿、互鎖式握桿和棒球式握法。







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