首頁 > 知識 > 新海綿的發現或助力深海開採



來源Taylor & Francis出版集團

編輯 譚坤

在位於太平洋的克拉里昂-克利伯頓區域(Clarion-Clipperton Zone,CCZ),有500萬平方公里的廣闊地區富含可採集的金屬。此類金屬結核有馬鈴薯大小,沉積在深度約4000-5000米之間的海床上。然而,人們迄今為止都沒有探明這片廣闊的區域所包含的物種。2017年,Lim 和 Wiklund 在CCZ東部地區(具體為英國海底資源有限公司勘探指定區和新加坡海洋礦物公司勘探指定區)進行勘探活動時,發現了這種新的海綿物種,並將其命名為plenaster craigi。該研究論文刊登在 Taylor & Francis 出版集團旗下的Systematics and Biodiversity期刊中。

在2013和2015年的兩次考察活動中,科學家均發現了這種和金屬結核共生的海綿。該海綿為此區域最多見的同類物種,平均丰度為每平方米15.3±8.9個。如果某個特定區域含有更多金屬結核來供這種海綿附著的話,它的丰度將會更高,比如 CCZ 地區的特定區域可見該海綿覆蓋著99%的海床。此種海綿具有完整的骨骼結構,其骨骼由大量的球真星骨針(spheroxyasters)構成,且具有向後彎曲的脊柱。新加坡國立大學的 Swee-Cheng Lim(海綿專家及該論文主要作者)參加了第二次考察並評論:「因為這種海綿具有球真星骨針這一獨特的形態,所以我強烈認為這是一種新的海綿種乃至新海綿屬。「倫敦自然歷史博物館的 Helena Wiklund 博士通過仔細的 DNA 對比後也證實了這一點,認證其為新的海綿屬。

這種新的海綿雖然體積小,但其丰度在缺乏食物的4000米深的海床上卻非常豐富。自然歷史博物館深海研究小組的首席研究員Adrian Glover博士說:「我們不僅僅是發現了一種新的海綿種,還發現了一個新的海綿屬,這太令我們驚訝了。儘管在該地區過去曾經進行過多次考查,但其實我們對該地區生物多樣性的分類學知識仍然非常有限。

科學家認為,因為這種海綿相對而言很容易識別和計數,所以它可能可以用作衡量採礦未來影響的指標物種。Glover 博士說:「這些海綿通過過濾海水來獲取其中的有機物,而且它其實是『坐』在金屬結核上方的幾厘米處生活的,這樣一來它就很容易受到深海採礦活動的影響,而成為衡量深海勘探開採活動影響的明確指標。「目前科學家正在對該物種進行更詳細的遺傳和種群研究,以便更好地了解其對深海採礦的潛在反應。

目前這種海綿被命名為plenaster craigi,一方面是由於其骨骼內含有大量的星形結構(即 plenaster),另一方面則是為了紀念這兩次深海勘探的領導人,夏威夷大學的 Craig Smith 教授。


標題 A new genus and species of abyssal sponge commonly encrusting polymetallic nodules in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, East Pacific Ocean

作者 Swee-Cheng Lim, Helena Wiklund, Adrian G. Glover, Thomas G. Dahlgren & Koh-Siang Tan

日期 Received 19 Jan 2017, Accepted 04 Jul 2017, Published online: 24 Sep 2017

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14772000.2017.1358218

摘要The Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ) in the East Pacific is a vast region targeted for deep-sea mineral exploration, for which there are almost no published taxonomic data. Here we describe Plenaster craigi gen. nov. sp. nov. from depths of ~4000 m in the eastern CCZ polymetallic nodule province. Despite over 40 years of intense exploration in the area, we reveal that P. craigi sp. nov. is the most abundant sponge and the most common metazoan encrusting on nodules in our study area at the eastern CCZ. It has a mean abundance of 15.3 ± 8.9 individuals per m2 across 11 stations in a 30 × 30 km study site nested within the Singapore exploration area. The white encrusting sponge is filled with spheroxyasters with occasional styles protruding the surface. Plenaster craigi sp. nov. is morphologically similar to genera from three different families in two orders: Timea (Timeidae; Tethyida); Hemiasterella and Leptosastra (Hemiasterellidae; Tethyida); and Paratimea (Stelligeridae; Axinellida). However, based on the molecular (COI and 28S) phylogenetic trees generated in this study, P. craigi sp. nov. was located in the Order Axinellida and appeared to be distant to Timea, Hemiasterella, Leptosastra, and Paratimea. We propose a new genus for our material to be placed provisionally in the family Stelligeridae, as it is the only family in the order Axinellida whose members possess euasters. This provisional placement may change when sequences of the type specimens of these genera and advanced phylogenetic reconstruction methods become available in the future. However, we have shown clearly that Plenaster gen. nov. is unique and distinct from all currently known taxa. Plenaster craigi sp. nov. being an abundant metazoan encrusting on nodule and easily identified filter-feeding animal is a potentially indicator species for future mining impacts in the eastern CCZ, and possibly across the entire CCZ.

論文鏈接: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14772000.2017.1358218



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