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10月2號下午5點30分,諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎頒布,獲獎者是Michael Rosbash (邁克爾 羅斯巴殊), Jeffery C. Hall ( 傑弗理 霍爾)和 Michael W Young( 麥克爾 楊)。其中兩位均是布蘭迪斯大學的教授。


DearMembers of the Brandeis Community,

I am delighted to share the news that Brandeisprofessors Michael Rosbash and Jeffrey Hall today were awarded the 2017 NobelPrize in Physiology or Medicine for their pioneering work on circadian rhythms.

The Nobel Committee recognized Michael, the PeterGruber Endowed Chair in Neuroscience and professor of biology, and Jeff,professor emeritus of biology, for discovering the master 「body clock」 thatcontrols body temperature, metabolism and many other biological processes innearly all life.

Through research on the fruit fly, Michael and Jeffdiscovered the molecular mechanisms controlling circadian rhythms, whichregulate the body over a 24-hour cycle. Their discovery holds great promise foreventually developing cures for a wide variety of diseases and sleep disorders.

Michael and Jeff, who both joined the Brandeis facultyin 1974, shared the award with Michael W. Young of The Rockefeller Universityin New York.

They are the first longtime Brandeis faculty members towin the Nobel. Saul Bellow won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1976, a yearbefore he served as the Hiatt Visiting Professor of English.

Mathematician John Nash, a Brandeis faculty member in the 1960s whose life waschronicled in the book and movie "A Beautiful Mind," won the NobelMemorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1995. In 2003, Rod MacKinnon 』78, H』05,a member of Chris Miller s lab, became the only alumnus to receive theprestigious prize when he was honored for his work on the structure and operationof ion channels.

Michael and Jeff represent the essence of what makesBrandeis special and unique: a world-class curiosity, a desire to solvereal-world challenges, and a commitment to creating a community of scientiststhat brings tenured professors together with students in a highly interactiveand rigorous environment.

In addition to being a world-class researcher,professor and teacher, he is also a good citizen of Brandeis. Every year, heattends our open house for newly accepted students, and invites them into hislab, where they see for themselves the magic created when faculty engage withundergraduates, graduate students and postdocs, all in the same space and allworking together. He』s also the number-one fan of our basketball and soccer teams.

On behalf of the Brandeis community, on and offcampus, I want to extend my sincere congratulations to Michael and Jeff forthis great achievement, and thank them for the contributions they have made toscientific discovery and our university.

This is truly a proud moment for Brandeis.

Best regards,

Ron Liebowitz



我今天很興奮地分享一個好消息:Brandeis教授Michael Rosbash和Jeffrey Hall由於在生物鐘領域開創性的研究工作,榮獲2017年度諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎!



Michael和Jeff,他們都是1974年加入了布蘭代斯的。他們與在紐約洛克菲勒大學任教的Michael W. Young共同分享了這一榮譽。

在布蘭迪斯獲得諾貝爾獎的教員中,他們是任教時間最長的。Saul Bellow在1976年獲得諾貝爾文學獎,第二年他做了Hiatt英語教授。數學家那什John Nash,也是一位布蘭迪斯教員,他在上世紀60年代的生活被記載在書和電影《美麗心靈》里,他獲得了1995年諾貝爾經濟學獎。78級的RodMacKinnon,克里斯·米勒實驗室的一員,在2003年獲得諾貝爾獎的殊榮,以表彰他發現離子通道的結構和運作的貢獻。








布蘭迪斯大學(Brandeis University)是一所位於美國馬薩諸塞州波士頓地區的實力極強的私立頂尖研究型大學,成立於1948年,雖然僅有短短60餘年的歷史,但卻已享有極高聲譽,素有「猶太哈佛」(Jewish Harvard)之美譽,被譽為「全美最年輕的研究院大學」。布蘭迪斯大學崇尚小班授課,以培養精英為理念,本科和研究生總人數僅在5600人左右,被譽為波士頓五大名校之一。其他四大名校分別為哈佛大學、麻省理工大學、塔夫茨大學、波士頓學院。布蘭迪斯大學無論是在數學、商科、生物化學、物理、社會學等都在全美名列前茅,是一所不斷進取的一流大學。

這所美國頂尖的私立大學由猶太人集資創立,以第一位美國最高法院猶太裔大法官路易斯.布蘭迪斯(Justice Louis D. Brandeis)的名字命名,藉以發揚其嚴謹的治學態度以及傳統的文化價值期許。1946年,發起這場建校運動的猶太領袖有:戈爾茨坦(IsraelGoldstein)、阿爾帕特(George Alpert)、薩查爾(Abram L. Sachar)、阿爾伯特.愛因斯坦(Albert Einstein)等。著名數學家納什曾在布蘭迪斯大學數學系任教。




芝加哥大學校長Robert Zimmer

冰島前任首相Geir Haarde

加州電影委員會主席David Crane

2013圖靈獎得主Leslie Lamport







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