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Mimihuhu, Accardo was still asleep, he was poisoned, so confidently slept at the regimental field hospital on the floor to bed is seriously injured, his injuries are not assigned to a stretcher, can only sleep on the floor...... The morning in the camp was not satisfactory, and Accardo, a soldier of the German army, struggled to wear his old army coat with his right hand and listened to the chatter of his new friends. "Jew! I thought for a long time in the reserve army! Jews! It"s those moths that have failed us! Mr Accardo! They should all be hanged!" Because the eyes do not see things and burning pain, Hitler got up very early, the pain made him gnash his teeth, and when he mentioned the Jews at random, his face was more ferocious. Accardo looked at Hitler, coughed, and then said, "Hitler, you know, you"re too narrow-minded."! Some Jews are evil, that"s right, but some Jews are useful to us, and we have to pay them to make a contribution to our country!" Bullshit!" Accardo"s words made Hitler hysterical, and he said angrily, "the Jews are pathetic and insignificant."! They can"t be trusted! They are sucking up the flesh and blood of our country! You know what? They should all go to hell." "Hitler! You know, even if we used to combat weapons, many also made many Jews of the motherland, the motherland is the Jewish donation, in fact we do not kill the Jews, but to make people believe that the world does not exist the jews!" Accardo looked at Hitler in his peculiar blue eyes and spoke the words above. Hitler was puzzled, and now he does not quite understand Accardo"s words: "let people believe that the Jews do not exist." This is not to kill them all, then do they ruin everything?" "No!"! No, no.! Dear Hitler, this is entirely different! I have a theory, which is called big German democracy!" Accardo took many years to show up in China"s theory of ethnic identity. In that time and space, the theory had another name, called the theory of Chinese nation". "I am completely bewildered by you. Do you want to rely on a strange theory to destroy a Jewish nation?"" Hitler stared at Accardo with a puzzled face. Accardo nodded, now he must convince Hitler to accept his general theory of democracy, so as to curb the Hitler for the democratic theory of overkill: "yes! Those who love the great German Empire, is the German people, and those who are selfish and despicable, cowardly scum, even if they are pure Aryan, also is not a part of the German nation!" "And what means do we use to distinguish them?"" Hitler was puzzled. His immature racial theory was completely broken by the man named Accardo before him. He felt that Accardo had no problem with his words, but he wanted to hold on to his own view. Anyway, you can"t get rid of the useful Jews. At least you can"t get that Einstein Jew to america. Accardo firmly convince himself, and then open to convince Hitler: "by contribution value."! If a Jewish engineer could make tanks for the Empire, he would be patriotic! And if a man will only eat enough to flirt with women on the street, he is a pest!" "I insist that the Jews are mostly worms!   




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