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Did you change your mind about China after you actually visited the country?



Torben Zenth Answered Sep 24 Yes indeed. I live in Copenhagen, Denmark, and i consider myself to have a broad end educated view of the world. My experience after a 3 week trip to Shanghai, Hefei and Beijing was, that what i have been told about China in western media and education is a very very limited and biased view. Any westener with a curious and open mind will have a mind-blowing experience in China, and the possibility to get a much more elaborated understanding of Chinese and Asian culture. I highly recommend that. China is all in all a very safe and friendly country. I completely changed my mind




總而言之,中國是一個非常安全友好的國家。 我完全改變了我的想法。

Matthew Miller, American living and working in China. Answered May 30 Yes. I first visited China on a two-week business vacation with my father when I was about 20 years old. I had a very good experience, especially with the food.

More recently in my life, I lived and worked in China for several years. I also had a great time. I think the change in my mind was simply a matter of learning more about the richness and depth of Chinese culture and food (I am lover of food as you can tell!).

By staying there longer, I came to learn more about the spirit of China, the culture, the habits and customs of the people. My opinion only became even more and more positive of China.

Sure, China has problems, like all countries do. But by spending time there, all of the stereotypes were busted, and I learned that it is a really beautiful, amazing country that is going to continue to succeed and prosper in the future, if it acts carefully.






Alex Eady, I was in Shanghai and Beijing for a few weeks in 2016 Answered Jun 2 Oh yes! My concerns traveling to China were typical for first-time visit to a country. Could I get around (not being fluent in any of the local languages)? Would I find good food? Would I get ripped off? Would I be safe? My concerns quickly evaporated. Signs were well marked; many in English, but with a little effort it is possible to distinguish place names. The subway in Beijing was super affordable and announced every stop in multiple languages. Train stations and airports always had agents who spoke multiple languages (and signage to show where they were).

2016年我在北京和上海住了幾個星期。 是。我去中國的擔憂是首次來這個國家的人的典型。



Food everywhere was delicious. I am not a picky eater, so I took whatever was offered. Street food was wonderful in Shanghai. Local cooking in Beijing tended towards spicy (some local boys thought it was really funny how RED I turned when eating it - the food was magically hot! - they took pictures with me). If I got ripped off, I'll never know. Everything was reasonably priced. Prices were usually marked. As far as I could tell I was paying what the locals paid. I never felt unsafe anywhere in China. Correction - I prayed to every God I could name when I was taking taxis.




Aside from the taxis I never felt unsafe. I was very obviously a foreigner in this country, but was never targeted or in a situation that felt uncomfortable. I was never out alone late at night (I wouldn't do this in any city I didn't know). My travelling companion, who had been to China many times and spoke fluent Cantonese and some Mandarin, did have a cab driver try to extort him for money, but he knew where he was and got out and walked away. In all, I was nervous going to China, but I quickly fell in love with the country and I would love to go back again for much longer.





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