首頁 > 最新 > 17年諾貝爾文學獎出爐,走進日裔作家石黑一雄



就在剛剛,2017年諾貝爾文學獎結果揭曉,不同於去年一舉被美國民謠藝術家鮑勃?迪倫摘得桂冠時,爭議與喝彩齊飛的盛況,這屆的文學獎去處並不那麼具有戲劇性——讓我們先恭喜下日裔英國小說家,石黑一雄(Kazuo Ishiguro)。



但是.....結果就是來的如此 「意外」。


石黑一雄,日裔英國籍的小說家,與魯西迪、奈保爾並稱英國 「移民文學三雄」(其中,維·蘇·奈保爾曾於2001年摘得諾貝爾文學獎),被英國皇室授勛為文學騎士,並獲授法國藝術文學騎士勳章。





之後,石黑一雄還曾在英國東英吉利大學學習創意寫作研究生課程,這個課程由英國著名小說家、批評家和學者馬爾科姆·布雷德伯里(Malcolm Bradbury)創建,在這裡,石黑一雄結識了給了他很多啟發的導師、英國最具獨創性的女性主義小說家安吉拉·卡特(Angela Carter)。

儘管被稱為「移民文學三雄」之一,石黑一雄還是更喜歡將自己描述為一位 「國際作家」—— 「讓不同文化背景下的讀者產生相似的感受和共鳴。」石黑一雄將自己這種特有的敘事方式表達為「如同在寫作前,丹麥、或者其他國家的記者問了我三天三夜,問我要寫什麼內容,怎麼寫,於是,在寫作的同時,我就當他們站在我的身旁。」這種疏離又交融的方式使得石黑一雄的文字 「表面平淡無奇,無聲之處見驚雷」。而村上春樹則讚揚其作品 「有一種特別坦誠和溫柔的品質,既親切又自然」。


A Pale View of Hills(1982)

An Artist of the Floating World(1986)

The Remains of the Day(1989)

The Unconsoled(1995)

When We Were Orphans(2000)

Never Let Me Go(2005)

The Buried Giant(2015)


《長日留痕》,這本書曾獲1989年「布克獎」,講述的是一位追求完美的男管家史蒂文斯的經歷,以現實主義的手法入木三分地表現了英格蘭的政治、歷史、文化、傳統與人的思想意識。據說,亞馬遜的CEO貝索斯非常喜歡這部小說,他曾推薦稱 : 「如果你讀了《長日留痕》,會不自禁地去回想,原來自己剛剛用了10個小時生活在另外一種人生裡面,並從中領悟到了有關人生和悔恨的一些東西。」

《別讓我走》 ,這本書被村上春樹評為自己 「近半世紀里的最愛」,作者本人希望通過此書能夠帶給讀者 「一小口袋誠實、厚道和幸福」。



《浮世畫家》,石黑一雄的第二部長篇小說,獲Whitbread獎並進入布克獎短名單。 《浮世畫家》同樣以主人公的會議為基調,以非凡的小說技巧生動地展現了主人公的回憶與思考,寫作筆法含蓄委婉,耐人尋味。主人公曾是位顯赫一時的浮世繪畫家,隨著二戰日本的戰敗,他才恍若大夢初醒:原來整個日本民族的過去竟是在為一種荒誕虛幻的理想獻身,他的藝術理想也真如其名稱一樣毫無根基,虛浮於世。



Ishiguro is one of the most celebrated contemporary fiction authors in the English-speaking world, having received fourMan Booker Prizenominations, and winning the 1989 award for his novelThe Remains of the Day. His 2005 novel,Never Let Me Go, was named byTimemagazine as the best novel of 2005 and included the novel in its 100 Best English-language Novels from 1923 to 2005. His seventh novel,The Buried Giant, was published in 2015.In 2008,The Timesranked Ishiguro 32nd on their list of "The 50 greatest British writers since 1945".


A number of his novels are set in the past.Never Let Me Go, hasscience fictionqualities and afuturistictone; however, it is set in the 1980s and 1990s, and thus takes place in a very similarparallel world. His fourth novel,The Unconsoled, takes place in an unnamedCentral Europeancity.The Remains of the Dayis set in the large country house of an English lord in the period surroundingWorld War II.

An Artist of the Floating Worldis set in an unnamed Japanese city during the period of reconstruction following Japan s surrender in 1945. The narrator is forced to come to terms with his part in World War II. He finds himself blamed by the new generation who accuse him of being part of Japan s misguided foreign policy and is forced to confront the ideals of themodern timesas represented by his grandson. Ishiguro said of his choice of time period, "I tend to be attracted to pre-war and postwar settings because I』m interested in this business of values and ideals being tested, and people having to face up to the notion that their ideals weren』t quite what they thought they were before the test came."

His novels (with the exception ofThe Buried Giant) are written in thefirst-person narrativestyle and thenarratorsoften exhibit human failings. Ishiguro s technique is to allow these characters to reveal their flaws implicitly during the narrative. The author thus creates a sense ofpathosby allowing the reader to see the narrator s flaws while being drawn to sympathise with the narrator as well. This pathos is often derived from the narrator s actions, or, more often, inaction. InThe Remains of the Day, the butler Stevens fails to act on his romantic feelings towards housekeeper Miss Kenton because he cannot reconcile his sense of service with his personal life.

Ishiguro s novels often end without any sense of resolution. The issues his characters confront are buried in the past and remain unresolved. Thus Ishiguro ends many of his novels on a note of melancholic resignation. His characters accept their past and who they have become, typically discovering that this realisation brings comfort and an ending to mental anguish. This can be seen as a literary reflection on the Japanese idea ofmono no aware. Ishiguro countsFyodor DostoyevskyandMarcel Proustamongst his influences. His works have also been compared toSalman Rushdie,Jane Austen, andHenry James, though Ishiguro himself rejects these comparisons.





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