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Name: xianfeng treasure when fifty


Specification: weight: 62.6 g/diameter: 5.25cm


Category: miscellaneous


For general collectables - autograph collection, it is s the longer, the higher the value, but, if the specific to the collection of ancient COINS, this law is actually difficult to apply.You please think, so-called antique, why is valuable, and why would appreciate?The reason is that a "thin" word, in this dynasty, an abundant supply of cheap things to another dynasty, becomes scarce and expensive, is the result of many changes.


Yongxin international collection of the xianfeng heavy treasure when 50, this coin is very fine, the handwriting is clear and deep, the copper is fine, is golden. The money is exquisite, without a single mop of water, more than the same version of money, heavy.

咸豐重寶的造型多種多樣,每枚價格也在數干元以上。另外,錢幣的大小也有不同,從小到大可分為小平、折二、折三、折五、折十,一般說來,錢體越大,價格越貴。 咸豐重寶一直被收藏家們視作無價之寶。地域性政權發行貨幣的時間也相當短,加上流通地域狹小,所鑄貨幣價值不菲。另外,由於改行紙鈔,銅幣發行量較少,故價格也較高。 古錢幣(除清代)的背部多為光面,也有少數有星紋、月紋、四齣紋、祥雲紋、瑞雀紋等特殊記號和表示錢監、鑄造年代的文字。這種錢幣較背部為光面的要貴得多, 這種錢比較稀少,比較常見的合背(就是錢正面和背面的文字完全一樣),價格一般也要超出不同錢幣的數十倍.

There are many different forms of xianfeng heavy treasure, and each price is also worth more than one yuan. In addition, the size of COINS also varies, from small to big can be divided into small, fold, fold, fold, fold, ten, generally speaking, the bigger the money, the more expensive the price. The salt & fung treasure has long been regarded by collectors as priceless. The regional regime also has a fairly short time to issue money, with its narrow circulation and the value of its currency. In addition, due to the change of paper money, copper coin circulation is less, so the price is also higher. The back of ancient COINS (except qing dynasty) is mostly light, and there are a few special marks such as star pattern, moon pattern, four-way pattern, auspicious cloud grain, lark tattoo, etc. This coin is back for smooth surface is much more expensive, this money is scarce, more common or back exactly the same as the text (front and back is money), prices in general, is more than dozens of times of different COINS.

因清代以來經歷了多場戰爭,咸豐重寶當五十古錢幣損失嚴重,至今,數量已經極其有限。收藏古錢幣應對其品相有細節的了解,因為品相不同,價格也會相差較大,如鐵錢, 品相很差的收藏價值就大打折扣了。不過,咸豐重寶經歷無窮歲月的洗禮,品相或許受到影響,所以收集到精品咸豐重寶難度就非常大。也許是因為此緣故,導致如今一些咸豐重寶錢幣價值連城,甚至僅僅一兩枚咸豐重寶錢幣,便能換到市區一套房子。

Since the qing dynasty, many wars have been experienced since the qing dynasty. Collect ancient coin to deal with its product to have detail understanding, because the product is different, the price also can differ big, such as iron money, the collection value that the article is very poor is greatly reduced. However, the baptism of xianfeng treasure of the years, the product phase may be affected, so the collection of the fine collection of the salt fengbao is very difficult. Perhaps because of this, some xianfeng treasure money is now worth a lot of money, even just one or two salted rich treasure, can be changed into a house in the city.







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