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Lucy Sparrow 有趣的手工被盜物品

這些有趣的超市用品清單:妊娠測試,香檳,美容霜,肉類,避孕套,酒精或成人雜誌等等,來自於商店最容易被偷盜的物品。英國藝術家Lucy Sparrow 把這些柔軟和幼稚的作品用毛氈製成完成。

Lucy Sparrow hails from Bath, in the West Country of England and works mainly in felt to create art that evokes delight and emotional responses from nearly everyone who sees it. Her world is very much about being able to touch and feel the work she produces and to bring people closer to her creations. Lucy』s work has often been described as childlike because of the bright primary colours that she uses and the quirky little touches that she adds to almost everything she makes. All ages delight in the ingenious way she subverts everyday objects and turns household objects to life with playful faces and a joie de vivre that is totally infectious.

Lucy Sparrow 有趣的手工被盜物品

Lucy Sparrow 有趣的手工被盜物品

Lucy Sparrow 有趣的手工被盜物品

Lucy Sparrow 有趣的手工被盜物品

Lucy Sparrow 有趣的手工被盜物品

Lucy Sparrow 有趣的手工被盜物品

Lucy Sparrow 有趣的手工被盜物品

Lucy Sparrow 有趣的手工被盜物品

Lucy Sparrow 有趣的手工被盜物品

Lucy Sparrow 有趣的手工被盜物品

Lucy Sparrow 有趣的手工被盜物品

Lucy Sparrow 有趣的手工被盜物品

Lucy Sparrow 有趣的手工被盜物品

Lucy Sparrow 有趣的手工被盜物品

Lucy Sparrow 有趣的手工被盜物品

Lucy Sparrow 有趣的手工被盜物品

Lucy Sparrow 有趣的手工被盜物品

Lucy Sparrow 有趣的手工被盜物品

Lucy Sparrow 有趣的手工被盜物品

Lucy Sparrow 有趣的手工被盜物品

Lucy Sparrow 有趣的手工被盜物品

Lucy Sparrow 有趣的手工被盜物品



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TAG:sudasuta |


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