首頁 > 時尚 > 創意 | 2013年Dior春夏高定系列的秀場音樂,簡潔中帶一絲騷氣

創意 | 2013年Dior春夏高定系列的秀場音樂,簡潔中帶一絲騷氣

原標題:創意 | 2013年Dior春夏高定系列的秀場音樂,簡潔中帶一絲騷氣

Lana Del Rey - Religion

「It never was about

The party or the clubs

For you there"s only love

Cause you"re my religion

You"re how I"m living」

來自「火葬場天后」的喪曲極致神專「轟你墓」,Lana Del Rey像你一位認識很久的老友,她內心深處住著一個喪到極致的滄桑靈魂,但從來又不放棄對愛的渴望。

The XX - Angel

「Light reflects from your shadow

It is more than I thought could exist

You move through the room

Like breathing was easy

If someone believed me」

《Angel》是2013年Dior春夏高定系列發布的秀場音樂,也代表了Raf Simons為Dior創作的,簡潔中帶一絲騷氣的所有系列。


「You"re a shooting star I see

A vision of ecstasy

When you hold me, I"m alive

We"re like diamonds in the sky」

「日日」是在自己主頁上毫無包袱寫段子的Rihanna;「超模」是在維秘T台上艷壓全體維秘天使的Rihanna;「山東天后黎漢娜」承載了中國粉絲對《濰坊的愛(We Found Love)》無限的愛;「晶晶」是不幸發胖之後仍然堅持時尚的Rihanna。而無論是音樂創作、時尚方面的成就、還是個人性格的塑造,都讓人想說:Rihanna就是我的命。


「I am a fountain of blood

In the shape of a girl

You are the bird on the brim

Hypno tised by the Whirl

Drink me make me feel real

Wet your beak in the stream

Game we are playing is the life

Love is to way dream」

戰歌一樣的情歌,配上Alexandr McQueen的加持。讓這首歌的每一位聽眾,都覺得自己是走在被海浪拍打的熔岩上的仙女。

Kanye West—Lost In The World

「I"m lost in the world,

I"m down my whole life,

I"m new in the city,

And I"m down for the night,

Down for the night

Who will survive in America?」

Lana Del Rey是女神,Kanye West是神,就醬。

Ymedia Y先生


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