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電影經典台詞之《香草的天空》Vanilla Sky

大衛·阿姆斯(湯姆·克魯斯 Tom Cruise 飾)可以稱為上帝的完美傑作:他家境優渥、事業有成、儀錶堂堂、風度翩翩,無數性感迷人的女性都為其柔情蜜語所傾倒。而大衛自是不願浪費這天賜的條件,他四處出擊,以獵艷為樂,甚至連好友的女朋友索菲婭(佩內洛普·克魯茲 Penélope Cruz 飾)都不放過。不過,大衛終要為自己的花心付出代價,在和前女友茱麗(卡梅倫·迪雅茲 Cameron Diaz 飾)乘車出行之時,茱麗開車撞向大樹,企圖與之同歸於盡。這場車禍使大衛的人生跌入谷底,而更為詭異的卻仍在前面等待著他……

But one day you"ll know what love truly is. It"s the sour and the sweet.I know sour, which allows me to appreciate the sweet.

有一天你會知道真愛是什麼 酸甜苦辣 五味雜陳,曾經心酸才能嘗到愛的甜美。

Sometimes I worry about you, that some clever girl...

in a big silly coat is gonna come along and play you just right.

Then l"ll lose my friend.

我好擔心你被一個穿大衣的女孩迷上了 就會甩掉我這朋友。

You"re drinking Jack and when you do you start in with that... Frank Sinatra, she shot me down...

你喝多了酒 所以才會自怨自艾。 以為自己是天下第一傷心人。

I just think good things will happen...if you"re a good person with a good attitude.

但只要保持樂觀 心地善良就會有好事發生 對吧

I used to be one of those guys that just snowboarded through his life.....with no focus... . whatsoever.我以前是那種生活完會沒有目標

When did you change? 你幾時改變的

About five minutes ago. 五分鐘前

Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around.


Life is full of surprises.But the greatest surprise of all is that this doesn "t have to end ever.


You never seem to be there for your friends until they"ve given up on you.


You must overcome your fears and regain control. Calm down.Take a hold of your life again, David.It"s as easy as holding that glass.

你要克服恐怖 振作精神, 掌控自己的生活, 就跟拿酒杯一樣容易。

Life Extension, or LE as we like to refer to it... is a glimpse of the future.It"s a ticket. Not in the juvenile sense, but in the deeply meaningful sense...that can only be born in the human heart.


It"s been a brilliant journey of self-awakening. And now you"ve simply got to ask yourself this... What is happiness to you, David?




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