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藝術家 Karl Pilato 抽象的藝術

藝術家Karl Pilato 帶來的一組手繪抽象藝術。

I feel my way through a painting, finding clarity without following predetermined ideas. I weave lines through one another, sensing where they can and cannot go. The ground, or pale color with which I first cover the canvas, continually reemerges as an enlivened emptiness. With searching lines and transparent colors, I carve out a rhythmic network. My process is both spontaneous and carefully measured. I aim for a composition that opens and closes and rises and falls in continual movement yet feels balanced like the serenity of a tree.

藝術家 Karl Pilato 抽象的藝術 藝術家 Karl Pilato 抽象的藝術

藝術家 Karl Pilato 抽象的藝術 藝術家 Karl Pilato 抽象的藝術 藝術家 Karl Pilato 抽象的藝術 藝術家 Karl Pilato 抽象的藝術



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