首頁 > 創意 > Mateusz Urbanowicz 水彩城市

Mateusz Urbanowicz 水彩城市

波蘭插畫家和數字設計師Mateusz Urbanowicz 又被稱作 Mattō,創造了一組以東京街道為主題的手繪水彩插畫。

Born and raised in Silesia, Poland. Studied electronic engineering until found out that making art can be more than a weird hobby. Finished Computer Graphics at Polish Japanese Institute of Information Technology, and thanks to a Japanese government scholarship, moved to Japan to study animation and comics. Graduated with honours from Kobe Design University with a short animated movie 「Right Places」.

Mateusz Urbanowicz 水彩城市

Mateusz Urbanowicz 水彩城市

Mateusz Urbanowicz 水彩城市

Mateusz Urbanowicz 水彩城市

Mateusz Urbanowicz 水彩城市

Mateusz Urbanowicz 水彩城市




請您繼續閱讀更多來自 sudasuta 的精彩文章:

Kai Carpenter 概念插畫欣賞
Ted Bettridge 花體字與LOMO
Mira Nedyalkova 水下攝影欣賞
Thomas Bignon 明星肖像插畫欣賞
Dmitriy Gubarev 的魔法樂器

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手繪素材#Et coloris natura,水彩手繪