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「Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike.」

「Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike.」

― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix


Joanne "Jo" Rowling, OBE, FRSL ( born 31 July 1965), pen names J. K. Rowling and Robert Galbraith, is a British novelist, screenwriter and film producer best known as the author of the Harry Potter fantasy series. The books have gained worldwide attention, won multiple awards, and sold more than 400 million copies. They have become the best-selling book series in history and been the basis for a series of films over which Rowling had overall approval on the scripts and maintained creative control by serving as a producer on the final instalment.

喬安妮·羅琳生於1965年7月31日,筆名J. K. Rowling和Robert Galbraith。她是英國小說家,編劇和製片人,而她電影製片人的身份也因作為哈利波特系列的作者而為人知曉。該書獲得了全世界的關注,多次獲獎,已售出超過4億本。哈利波特小說是史上最暢銷的系列小說,也為後來系列電影奠定了基礎。電影由羅琳審核批准劇本並且作為最終集的製片人,羅琳得以維持了創造性話語權。

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is the fifth novel in the Harry Potter series, written by J. K. Rowling. It follows Harry Potter s struggles through his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, including the surreptitious return of the antagonist Lord Voldemort, O.W.L. exams, and an obstructive Ministry of Magic. The novel was published on 21 June 2003 by Bloomsbury in the United Kingdom, Scholastic in the United States, and Raincoast in Canada. Five million copies were sold in the first 24 hours of publication.It is the longest book of the series.

哈利波特和鳳凰社是哈利波特系列的第五本小說,J. K·羅琳所著。影片講述哈利波特正在哈格沃茲魔法學校艱難的度過第五年,而這一年裡哈利波特要阻止大反派伏地魔的復活,通過普通巫師考試等級測試和應對受到重創的魔法部。該小說於2003年6月21日在英國,美國和加拿大各出版社發布,首發的24小時內就售出了500萬本。該小說也是哈利波特系列小說中篇幅最長的一本。


Harry Potter series:


The Philosopher s Stone (1997) 魔法石

The Chamber of Secrets (1998) 密室

The Prisoner of Azkaban (1999) 阿茲班囚徒

The Goblet of Fire (2000) 火焰杯

The Order of the Phoenix (2003) 鳳凰社

The Half-Blood Prince (2005) 混血王子

The Deathly Hallows (2007) 死亡聖器

①Scholastic Press是Harry Potter在美國發行的出版社,封面以及大小和中國版的是一樣的。

②Bloomsbury Press是Harry Potter在英國發行的出版社,並且分為成人版和兒童版的封面,成人的是黑色封面,兒童的是彩色封面,不過裡面內容是一樣的,且大小均為美國版的一半大,當然書相對應的要厚一倍。當然還有精裝版和平裝版之分。

③Raincoast Book是總部於溫哥華的加拿大圖書公司


1. 一部分; 一集

2. 每一期攤付的款項, 分期付款

3. (報章連載小說的)一節;(電視連續劇的)一集

buy sth on instalment 分期付款

We payed the car in instalments.

Many people buy house in instalment.


魔法一般泛指儀式魔法(Ceremonial magic 或 high magic),魔法是從西洋傳來的概念,例如英語以不同的單字更精確地區分魔法,例如 Magic(魔術、魔法、幻術、咒術)、Sorcery (巫術、道術、妖術)和Witchcraft(巫術)等,每個單字皆含有細微的差別。但一些魔法師認為魔術(Magic)一詞與魔法有太大的差別,所以他們在「Magic」後面加「k」,加以區別,以顯示魔法和舞台上娛樂觀眾用的魔術是不同的。驅使魔法的人,有男性也有女性。男性叫做巫師或魔法師,女性叫做女巫、巫婆或是魔女,亦可以通稱為術士、魔法使或魔法師。他們施展的是「魔法(Magick)」而非「魔術(Magic)」

魔法師:The Sorcerer s Apprentice


witch doctor





:」How wizard!」they said. 」 How absolutely super!」"多好吃啊!」他們說道,」多麼地道的晚餐啊!」


:Kent noted that Mr. Turner had been noted as a financial wizard.肯特強調說特納先生曾是一位理財能手。


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