首頁 > 創意 > Gustav Willeit 風景攝影欣賞

Gustav Willeit 風景攝影欣賞

The title of this series, Perspe, originated from a fragment of the German word 「Perspektive」 (perspective):
a programmatic statement alluding to the composition work,
which is based on a simulation that fully exploits the opportunities offered by digital technology.
The artist traces an unnatural perspective, i.e. a perspective that is 「ideated」,
invented, that acts and creates 「different」 places by mirroring the image,
thus reaching perfect symmetry often disrupted by a discordant element.

Gustav Willeit 風景攝影欣賞

Gustav Willeit 風景攝影欣賞

Gustav Willeit 風景攝影欣賞

Gustav Willeit 風景攝影欣賞

Gustav Willeit 風景攝影欣賞

Gustav Willeit 風景攝影欣賞

Gustav Willeit 風景攝影欣賞

Gustav Willeit 風景攝影欣賞




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