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Simon Beck 在雪地上作畫

Simon Beck is the world』s first and most famous 「Snow Artist」. He graduated in Engineering from Oxford University but decided later on to leave his office job in order to become a cartographer.
In December 2004, after a day of skiing, he got the idea to draw a star on the small frozen lake in front of his place. His sense for orientation in combination with his passion for outdoor and physical activities inspired him to complete a snow creation. The day after, looking down fromthe ski lift; he was impressed by the result. After the next snowfall, he repeated the exercise by creating an evenmore complex drawing. Snow Art was born.

During his childhood, Simon Beck drewmostly geometrical forms. The geometrical drawings were inspired by Koch』s snowflake and became more complex over time. Simon』s drawings cover an area of 1 to 4 hectares (corresponding to 2 to 8 soccer fields – 2.5 to 10 acres) and take up to 12 hours to complete and demand a walk of 20 to 30 kilometers in the snow – wearing snowshoes. Hence, his creations are both artistic and athletic performances – truly unique creations shaped by the varying and challenging conditions of the environment.

Simon Beck (1)

Simon Beck 在雪地上作畫

Simon Beck 在雪地上作畫

Simon Beck 在雪地上作畫

Simon Beck 在雪地上作畫

Simon Beck 在雪地上作畫




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