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March 27,2017Silicon Valley VC Forum

March 27,2017Silicon Valley VC Forum


? 如果你想發現全球產業走勢。

? 如果你是需高質量VC投資的項目決策人。

? 如果你是對風投感興趣或想要快速進入風投領域並和頂級風投連接上的人。



Who benefits from SV VC Forum?

Entrepreneurs or starup companies who want to seize investment oppptunities.

Those people who are interested in venture capital and want to get into this field or get in touch with the successful Venture Capitalists.

International students who are struggling with their future business also can come here and get inspiration from venture capitalists.

Meet with venture capitalists here and have a deeper understanding of what s updating every second in VC field. We also provide the Q&A section for members , so feel free to ask them questions. They will share their precious experience with you. We are very welcome you to interact with our venture capitalists.


7:00-7:20: Jakie Yang

7:20-7:40: 問答環節

7:40-8:00: Mark Zhong

8:00-8:20: 問答環節

8:20-8:40: Jeff Crusey

8:40-9:00: 問答環節


7:00-7:20: Jakie Yang

7:20-7:40: Q&A

7:40-8:00: Mark Zhong

8:00-8:20: Q&A

8:20-8:40: Jeff Crusey


Keynote Speakers:

March 27,2017Silicon Valley VC Forum

Jackie Yang @ Translink Capital

Jackie Yang is a co-founder and Managing Director of TransLink Capital. He brought over 10 years of venture investment experience to the team and was one of the most active investors in the semiconductor industry during that period. Jackie is responsible for TransLink s investments in Adwo, Memoright, Montage, SandForce (acquired by LSI), Tango, and Winking Entertainment.

Jackie Yang是Translink資本的合夥創辦人和常務董事。他給隊伍帶來了10年的投資經驗,也是在半導體產業中最活躍的投資人。Jackie負責公司的Adwo, Memoright, Montage, SandForce (acquired by LSI), Tango, and Winking Entertainment.

March 27,2017Silicon Valley VC Forum

Founder @ Venture Capital College of America

Mark Zhong, a venture capitalist from Silicon Valley, Peking University EMBA, the president of 500 IPO Fund. Meanwhile, he is a partner at Zhongxiang Capital, Xiangdui Capital and 500-Moment Ventures. He has studied in Stanford University,UC Berkeley, Northwestern University, Cornell University and Kungliga Tekniska h?gskolan. He has better connection with influential venture capitalists worldwide, and wants to solve some social problems through his effort.


March 27,2017Silicon Valley VC Forum

Jeff Crusey :VC&Tech Vet


March 27,2017Silicon Valley VC Forum


March 27,2017Silicon Valley VC Forum

地址:4500 Great America Pkwy Suite 300, Santa Clara, CA 95054



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