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卡拉拉的石雕花园:LEONARD Paris 2017秋冬系列


  A young woman is exploring a marble quarry in Carrara, Italy. Around her, purple, blue and red striated rocks form an age-old natural geometry.

  这种永恒之美瞬间给予她创作之源。大理石图形以精美的褶皱交错,巧妙地形成雕塑的线条,视觉陷阱这种绘画手法被Christine Phung艺术性地借鉴到高级成衣中。品牌的经典印花似金线般穿梭于整个系列,唤醒生长在荒芜之地的野生植物,拯救困顿在寒冰之中的美艳兰花。

  This eternal form of beauty suddenly gives her sartorial ideas. Trompe l’oeil marble print are pleated and delicately sculpted. Flowers, part of the house’s historical DNA, run through the collection like a golden thread – and evoke wild herbs that grow in barren landscapes, or orchids trapped in ice.


  These blossoms are reworked into multicolored fur, embroided, sewn up in luxurious patchwork – for an abstract, architectural result. A marble jacquard is richly weaved to give texture and reflection. Soft textiles, such as printed wool or snow-white alpaca, bring sensuality contrasting with the overall rigor of the collection.


  Our adventuress, always in search of functionality, also dreams up sporty blousons and streamlined blazers. This contemporary wardrobe allows her to have freedom of movement and to be at one with her surroundings.


  Organic prints morph intro stripes, inspired by a natural process of fusion and crystallization. This metamorphosis suggests a connection between the elements, the wearer and her clothes.

LEONARD Paris设计师Christine Phung女士

LEONARD Paris Designer:Christine Phung

  在追求精准和细致的本寻找创作灵感,是设计师Christine Phung数学时装的核心。柔软与棱角之间的交融、碰撞,沉寂里酝酿着变化,这凛冽而优美的结晶体——恰如身穿Leonard Paris的女人。

  Finding creativity in precision, and meticulousness in instinct is at the heart of Christine Phung’s mathematical couture. This results in pieces that are both sharp and spontaneous, just like the woman who will wear Leonard Paris designs.



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