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Billy Donovan should get credit for restricting Westbrook to only 34.4 MPG



He is only 20th in MPG despite the Thunder back-up point guards being absolute trash this year (the team has a -9.2 net rating with Westbrook off the floor). Donovan must have been tempted at times to play Westbrook for 38-39 minutes per game. The Thunder might have won a few more games had Westbrook played more minutes but it"s unlikely that Westbrook would have been able to maintain his insane intensity while staying healthy and unfatigued over the whole season if he was playing 38+ MPG. Instead Donovan has restricted Westbrook to a reasonable number of minutes and now it"s the last week of the season, WB has triple doubles in his last 6 games and is looking fresh and ready for the playoffs.


[–][GSW] Andre Iguodala7heMA77 36 指標 1 天前

Given the intensity and effort he always plays with, and his high USG%, it would be a terrible idea to have him play more than that.

The players with super high MPG are not nearly as active or intense on the court as WB. LeBron would be the only possible exception but even he is nowhere nearly as constantly active as WB.

I think of him as the basketball equivalent to Rafael Nadal. Excellent player who put ridiculous effort into every point and played with a much more physically demanding style than anyone else.

With his gamestyle, playing as much as the top MPG players would be be asking for an injury. Even excluding the injury potential, it would be too exhausting on his body.

I don"t think OKC would have won more games that way because it would"ve hurt Westbrooks game. It just wouldn"t have been sustainable for him.






[–]ThunderGrolgar 37 指標 1 天前

I agree, but I still agree that most coaches wouldn"t have the discipline to keep his minutes this low.


[–]Thunderunderceeeeej 3 指標 1 天前

Especially when you"re taking him out to send semaj christon or campayne in


[–]HeatHerculix 5 指標 1 天前

The idea is terrible, but where the credit is deserved is that basically WB"s team needs him to win. Like, they are Nets bad without him. It is very tempting to treat this season like it"s the first year of a rebuild, let WB play as much as he wants, and run it. Cavs have done that exact thing to LeBron for the exact reasons many teams would mistakenly overplay WB.


[–]Trevorsaccount 4 指標 1 天前

I never watch OKC but isn"t it typical to rest players when you"ve won the game or when you lost the game? Wouldn"t it be common sense to take westbrook out against the warriors when they get far enough behind or against the nets when they get far enough ahead? Did the coach really bench Westbrook when games were on the line because of his upstanding MPG principles?


[–]Thunderkamikazeguy 12 指標 1 天前

Westbrook usually sits at around the 2 minute mark of the first and late into the 2nd quarter.


[–]Thundercplbernard 13 指標 1 天前

yeah we have a very consistent minutes allocation for russ, i know excatly when to tune in and out.


[–]Warriorskevindlv 2 指標 1 天前

Same with Steph, I went to the game against Houston last Friday and knew exactly when to get up for more snacks/beer.


[–][OKC] Kevin Durantchopsuey8 6 指標 1 天前

Memphis vs OKC game earlier, was tied somewhere around 72, less than 3mins before the 3rd qtr ends, Westbrook hit 2 Three pointers and he got benched after for the next 5-6mins. OKC was scoreless during those period. When he came back, Memphis leads already and has the momentum. But WB came, and he changed the flow. Incredible guy!


[–]MagicIteLacerti 314 指標 1 天前

Billy D is an amazing coach. There was a good article last year about how he used the regular season to experiment with different lineups, knowing that some of them would crash and burn, but focusing less on the game to game results and thinking more about how he could make use of them in the playoffs. I suspect that Westbrook"s minutes this season were largely a product of this approach.


[–]dailycrossover 318 指標 1 天前

He out coaches Pop and Steve Kerr for two straight series too lol. People don"t remember that tho.


[–]JLThunder 255 指標 1 天前*

Definitely out coached/schemed both championship coaches. It took Klay going nuclear in game 6 and KD and Westbrook going cold for the Warriors to win that series. Not much coaching can do about that.


[–]Knickstommy_the_tit 1 指標 16小時前

because Klay and Curry remembered that they could cook any big man that switched onto them.

I think they were a combined 100% when guarded by Adams and Ibaka on the perimeter in Games 6-7


[–]CavaliersNaijfreak 39 指標 1 天前

Everybody went for the ultralight threes and he just made rebounding his go to second strategy. Ibaka, Adams and Kanter athletic board eaters


[–][SAS] Danny Greendiffeqmaster 57 指標 1 天前

Spurs had no answer for the Kanter and Adams glass eating lineup last season. Diaw and West would get destroyed on the glass and Duncan wasn"t quick enough to defend them. Spurs would have a 10, 12, 15 point lead and then billy would put in these two giants against diaw and west and it would even out the game.

It won them the series.



[–]ThunderStormStooper 24 指標 1 天前

There are Thunder "fans" who want him fired. STFU to all those dumbasses.


[–]Thunderthe_hibachi 11 指標 1 天前

I wanted his head on a spike after game one of the San Antonio series. Egg on my face ˉ_(ツ)_/ˉ


[–]ThunderStormStooper 5 指標 1 天前

Yep. See them all the time after a Thunder loss, I guess he should only be fired when we lose. They"re especially prevalent on /r/Thunder


[–]Bullsorphy 57 指標 1 天前

I remember during the playoffs last year, I was pretty convinced there was no way a first year NBA coach could take out the Spurs in a series. Boy was I wrong.


[–]Bullsorphy 19 指標 1 天前

Absolutely. I guess don"t discredit those couple NCAA titles he got in Florida. He"s a terrific coach.


[–]ThunderGrolgar 77 指標 1 天前

And it wasn"t just like the Thunder outplayed the Spurs, Donovan out-schemed them. His big lineups that we didn"t use much during the season were amazing. Then he pivoted and went small (everyone thought we should stay big) to go up 3-1 on the Warriors... I blacked out after game 5.


[–]ThunderScruffTheJanitor 4 指標 1 天前

I think the end of game 6 is the angriest I have been in my life.


[–]TheHeartfeltKid 2 指標 1 天前

I wrote about this in a YouTube comment a few days ago. It"s frustrating as a OKC fan to watch him intentionally screw up the rotation, but it has worked well for him so far. The only problem I have with it is that sometimes his 3rd quarter rotation completely ruins OKC"s scoring abililty and has lost them a few too many games (WCF game 6).


[–]MagicMax96 13 指標 1 天前

And that"s how he figured out Westbrook-Waiters-Roberson-Durant-Ibaka would destroy the Warrior"s death lineup, I guess. Still can"t beleive they lost that series.


[–][DAL] Brian Cardinalmgmfa 28 指標 1 天前

Imagine Thibs coaching the Thunder this year...


[–]Sunsnotouchmypeterson 17 指標 1 天前

Westbrook 60 point triple doubles


[–]SpursAccelerationGate 17 指標 1 天前

...For 20 games then out with 4 season ending knee injuries


[–]TimberwolvesNebuchadnezzarJack 46 指標 1 天前

Imagine if Thibs was his coach. Might make a run at Wilts MPG record


[–]Hornetslaibok 11 指標 1 天前

That is actually so impressive WB averages a triple double playing 34 mins


[–]chaoticcookie39 1 指標 1 天前

Then you have Ty Lue who is literally going to run LeBron into the ground haha






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