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A defensive comparison of Gobert/Draymond/Kawhi


[–][SAS] Manu Ginobilithejuan 459 指標 1 天前*

Kawhi doesn"t deserve it this year, he"s been using maybe 50-70% as much energy on the defensive end as last year. Devoting nearly everything to the offensive end.


[–]New Jersey NetsKashMoney941 303 指標 1 天前

Kawhi doesn"t deserve it this year, he"s been using maybe 50-70% as much energy on the defensive end as last year.

Which is crazy because he"s still defending at all-nba levels from the eye test. Just shows how insane the standard he set for himself previously. Yes, the analytics still arent in his favor, but he"s still the most feared guy out on the perimeter in the league



[–][SAS] Manu Ginobilithejuan 84 指標 1 天前

I still think he"s doing great, but there is some slippage from what I"ve seen. He"s definitely a little more cautious and doesn"t want to get caught fouling as much. I mean, it hasn"t been an issue, I think he"s only fouled out once ever. Anyways, he is saving his more intensive defense for 4th quarters or when it is necessary.


[–]SpursBoom9001 45 指標 1 天前

Kawhi has not changed the amount of fouls he"s had any season. So I don"t see it as being cautious or saving for end. He"s just not had a good rim protector after all previous years having a all-time great. It prevents you from being as aggressive because you know if you press and the guy goes around you it"s a gimme 2. Which in past he knew TD would prevent a good amount or give him time to recover. Same goes for DG, using Dedmon completely changes this and they look elite again but there is still inexperience there compared to TD.


[–]Celticsmmboston 10 指標 1 天前

The couple games I watched, Pau looks awful on the floor defensively. I sure as hell wouldn"t gamble as much if my Center is giving up baskets like that


[–]Warriorsmanisier 24 指標 23小時前

You don"t need stats to tell you that fewer people shoot against Kawhi than Harden, and that Westbrook doesn"t like to contest shots haha


[–][SAS] Tim DuncanshawshankCWL 54 指標 1 天前

While I do agree Draymond/Gobert should win it over Kawhi this season, I do think that Kawhi still puts a lot effort defensively to help the Spurs. Its just harder for him to have as much defensive impact this year with Parker and Gasol (mostly this season) in the starting lineup.


[–]NBAKlayLaFlame 322 指標 1 天前

If you"re going to show fg% at the rim, why not show fg% off the dribble or spot-up? The bottom stats seem biased toward Gobert


[–]Warriorsphonage_aoi 53 指標 1 天前

Defensive stats in general favor post-players. In fact a good wing defender"s best stat is often FGAs not FG%, since it takes into account how often he denies them the ball or forces them away from their favorite spots.

While for a post-player low FGA may just mean someone drove the lane and dished for a slam, so no one looks at a it.



[–]Warriorskris_takahashi 191 指標 1 天前

Draymond is also 2nd in the league in deflections.

Including more perimeter oriented stats would highlight his versatility over the other two.



[–][DET] Chauncey BillupsHalbridious 118 指標 1 天前

Really hard to get anything out of this chart when most of the stats are heavily weighted for interior defense.

Kawhi"s still the best perimeter defender in the NBA.

Gobert has fully claimed the title of best interior defender.

Draymond is my DPOY because he"s absolutely elite at both.





[–][LAL] Smush Parkerdonniedarkoo 94 指標 1 天前

Gobert is such a beast. He"s going to be a dominant force in the playoffs. One thing about Draymond this doesn"t show is how well the Warriors defense has adapted since Durant went down. 99.8 defensive rating since Durant went down which I think is impressive. Although Gobert may be more deserving, Draymond will get it for the narrative (essentially getting it for his last three years). Dryaymond is a great choice regardless. Just depends whether you think versatility is better than being elite at one thing. Gobert will definitely win multiple DPOYs in the years to come so I"m cool with it.


[–]WarriorsXgatt 43 指標 1 天前

I don"t think it"s merely for the narrative with Draymond. He has the ability to energize every player on his team to play better defense when he"s on the court. There"s a method of categorizing employee impact in a workplace, called Adders (McAddo, Clark, etc.), Subtractors (Varejao), Multipliers (Draymond, Curry, Lebron, Harden, et al), and piders (can"t think of an NBA example).

我不認為這只是對追夢格林的褒獎。當他在場時,他有能力去激勵隊伍里的每個球員打出更好的防守。這裡有一種對員工在工作場所的影響力的分類方法,稱為加法因子(麥卡杜,克拉克等),減法因子(瓦萊喬),乘法因子(格林,庫里,勒布朗,哈登等),和除法因子(想不到一個NBA的案例) 除法是猜的,不懂。

Draymond is a ridiculous multiplier for the entire team when he"s locked in. He not just brings the energy himself but keeps coaching others on the court as the game is going on. I think warriors owe this entire ongoing win streak to Draymond turning that Philly game around, when they were at the cusp of losing 4 in a row and getting demoralized.


[–]JazzMysticStryker 29 指標 1 天前

Can someone explain to me why the stats this season is so disfavoring Kawhi Leonard? Whenever I see him play this season, he seems pretty locked in on defense. Not the same as previous years, but with the eye test, he"s still one of the best despite carrying the offensive load this year.


[–][DET] Chauncey BillupsHalbridious 49 指標 1 天前

The Dubs" high-paced defense also creates a lot of their offense. You can"t have one without another. Draymond"s ability to defend, switch any position, rebound, and instantly start the break revolutionized that team. You can"t knock a defensive player because his offensive teammates are good.






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