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Arup Lodh 水彩城市插畫欣賞

印度水彩畫家Arup Lodh 帶來的一組城市繪畫系列,以朦朧的筆觸刻畫了雨後的城市,透露出柔軟的城市印象。

Arup Lodh, was born in Kolkata, India. His formative years were spent on moderate small finite family in Kolkata. Where has an environment of etiquette and rule. Since, that time the nature has been only friend out of his house. This ideally experience gave him an understanding of man』s relationship with nature and help him develop a strong work ethic.

His education was elective and included both the applied arts and formal degree education. Degree on Commerce in 2004 under Calcutta University. Diploma in applied arts in 2004 from Mass Education dept. by govt. of West Bengal India.

Arup Lodh 水彩城市插畫欣賞

Arup Lodh 水彩城市插畫欣賞

Arup Lodh 水彩城市插畫欣賞

Arup Lodh 水彩城市插畫欣賞

Arup Lodh 水彩城市插畫欣賞

Arup Lodh 水彩城市插畫欣賞

Arup Lodh 水彩城市插畫欣賞

Arup Lodh 水彩城市插畫欣賞

Arup Lodh 水彩城市插畫欣賞

Arup Lodh 水彩城市插畫欣賞




請您繼續閱讀更多來自 sudasuta 的精彩文章:

Justice Magazine 超級女英雄
まめふく 兒童插畫欣賞
Xulia Vicente 卡通插畫欣賞

TAG:sudasuta |


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