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家門口的風景 《西湖表情》


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家門口的風景 《西湖表情》


家門口的風景 《西湖表情》



家門口的風景 《西湖表情》





家門口的風景 《西湖表情》

家門口的風景 《西湖表情》

家門口的風景 《西湖表情》

家門口的風景 《西湖表情》

家門口的風景 《西湖表情》

家門口的風景 《西湖表情》

家門口的風景 《西湖表情》

家門口的風景 《西湖表情》

家門口的風景 《西湖表情》

家門口的風景 《西湖表情》

家門口的風景 《西湖表情》

家門口的風景 《西湖表情》

家門口的風景 《西湖表情》

家門口的風景 《西湖表情》

家門口的風景 《西湖表情》

家門口的風景 《西湖表情》

家門口的風景 《西湖表情》


鄭幼幼 /攝影評論家,浙江攝影出版社編審









One Man』s West Lake

Youyou Zheng

Critic of photography, Senior editor of Zhejiang Photography Press

We are usually accustomed to things we see every day, but difficult to discover anything beyond ordinary beautiful scenery. Different to others, Mr Shao can find out his personal part of West Lake which belongs to the public and it is visited by everybody.

His black-and-white images of West Lake cross time and pass through a deep and quiet tunnel from traditional and serene aestheticism to feelings brimming over with personal odor, to nonmaterial that surpasses space and time, up to publicizing conceptional display.

These images are different from ordinary. It looks like to stay at present, and yet not at present; it』s familiar, and yet strange. Sense of history casts deep shadows on the scenic spots, which fluctuates into a variety of shades and tones with the help of color black and white, become a tree, a bridge, a pavilion, an expanse of water, a sad chair as well as a queer reverted image. We fail to distinguish whether they are West Lake sights or some other magic things. However, they have all come round and each of them becomes an existing goblin in Shao』s images.

The early works of Shao highlight tones and show a peaceful mode of painting in serene aestheticism. This kind of works follows traditional photographic concept since Adams, Weston, and reaches a perfect balance between aestheticism and skills. When he skillfully does this sort of works, Shao starts to change in his creative style and his second kind of works begin showing his personal emotion towards West Lake.

Firstly, a sight drifts away from the scenes. It is always a single article that makes a deep impression in people』s minds, such as a chair facing lake water, a table by the lake or a stem. It utters a sigh with a bit of solitary, and meanwhile whispers to reveal its feelings. The artistic approaches to present West Lake by partial sights, and makes West Lake no longer look like a place, but appear very much like a person. The West Lake described by Shao』s casts seems like a thinker or a traveler. Sometimes he falls into loneliness, and sometimes shows an air of detached thinking.

This rumination caused by a strong sense of absent sights triggers associations and thinking. Initially this approach is very concrete, with the separation of local, for the article of projection of a strong personal mood to complete the creative intentions, but this figurative approach in Shao s creative practice step by step moves toward the abstract elements richer surreal performance, and then transforms into transcendental space-time non-formShao s third type of style is often intertwined with his second type of style. Because the first transcends time and space thinking through the personal emotions of the sketch to inspire, but then Shao gives a more successful set - the absence of the characters and absent after the re-appearance. The third class of works is a few pictures of the presence of a person: a slow walk in the West Lake pedestrians; water gallery with a long time exposure of the two vague silhouette; a pair of hurry silhouette toward a bridge. Whether it is a strong mood that people are present or not, or after the absence of a more symbolic appearance of the re-appearance, a sense of surreal has been created. It may use space to trigger the process of time, or transform the time process into space so as to transform the inevitable historical changes into the mysterious current composition. This successful setting seems to be a mysterious universe so that we approach the eternal law of time and space.

If this non-material with a sense of surreal is also largely concerned with the delicate balance between aesthetics and the skill, then in the concept of performance over the aesthetic requirements of Shao』s fourth category of works, the abstract component has become an important means of expression. The concept of publicity is always ready to mash all the aesthetics and skills of the usual requirements, all means to elucidate the creator s intentions and ideas as the premise, the image appeared in a large area of unexpected black prospects, stirring disturbed, the traditional aesthetic rules are disillusioned in a phantom about the West Lake.

On the West Lake, memory is filled, in some ways. The longer the time spans, which means that a space stored more memories. With more than 30 years, Shao expresses the expression of the West Lake and more in-depth extension of the West Lake, interpretation of his crazy watch with photograph and unique feelings about West Lake.

Perhaps 「One Man s West Lake" is the most appropriate way to show, because the West Lake and black & white photography need to be explained by photographers and viewers with their own experience.




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