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2017索尼世界攝影獎揭曉,Frederik Buyckx獲年度攝影師稱號

倫敦時間 4 月 20 日 ,第十屆索尼世界攝影大獎頒獎結果揭曉,共 183 個國家及地區的 227596 幅作品經過評選,最終由比利時攝影師 Frederik Buyckx 獲得了年度攝影師的稱號。

2017索尼世界攝影獎揭曉,Frederik Buyckx獲年度攝影師稱號

From the series Whiteout , 2017 Frederik Buyckx, courtesy of Sony World Photography Awards

2017索尼世界攝影獎揭曉,Frederik Buyckx獲年度攝影師稱號

From the series Whiteout , 2017 Frederik Buyckx, courtesy of Sony World Photography Awards

Frederik Buyckx 的作品捕捉了冬日來臨之際的自然變遷。這幅名為 「Whiteout」 的照片以阿爾巴尼亞山為背景,展現了一隻驢在雪地中掙扎的過程。


評委會主席 Zelda Cheatle 給他的評語是:「為了回歸到從本質看攝影,我們選擇了一系列風光攝影作品。風光常常被忽視,但它是我們生存的中心。這些由攝影師精心拍攝的美麗作品需要人們的欣賞。我希望這個獎項可以激勵更多攝影師去拍攝這些在每個人身邊可愛喜人的景象,而不僅是去捕捉亂世中可怕的一面。」

Frederik Buyckx has scooped Photographer of the Year at this year』s Sony World Photography Awards, with a series called Whiteout that explores how nature is transformed by winter. 「I have chosen a series of landscapes so that we may return to the essence of looking at photography,」 comments Zelda Cheatle, chair of judges at Sony』s World Photography Organisation.

「Landscape is often overlooked but it is central to our existence. I hope this award will inspire many more photographers to take pictures that do not simply encompass the terrible aspects of life in these troubled times but also capture some of the joys and loveliness in each and every environment,」 she continues.

Buyckx』s work, which was picked out from 227,00 entries by photographers from 183 countries, was shot in remote areas of the Balkans, Scandinavia and Central Asia, where people often live in isolation and in close contact with nature. 「There is a peculiar transformation of nature when winter comes, when snow and ice start to dominate the landscape and when humans and animals have to deal with the extreme weather,」 explains the Belgian photographer, who freelances for De Standaard. 「The series investigates this struggle against disappearance.」

「I am especially proud of this year』s selection of Photographer of the Year,」 comments Scott Gray, CEO of the World Photography Organisation. 「In many cases, it is easy to shock but that it can be so tremendously difficult to capture a sophisticated elegance, that really is so beautiful it shows the medium of photography at its best.」


2017索尼世界攝影獎揭曉,Frederik Buyckx獲年度攝影師稱號

From the series African Wildlife at Night, 2017 Will Burrard-Lucas, courtesy of Sony World Photography Awards

自然類一等獎 來自英國的Will Burrard-Lucas拍攝下了原生態自然環境中的夜行動物,比如非洲草原上的這隻鬣狗。

2017索尼世界攝影獎揭曉,Frederik Buyckx獲年度攝影師稱號

First place in the 2017 Sport category Yuan Peng, courtesy Sony World Photography Awards


2017索尼世界攝影獎揭曉,Frederik Buyckx獲年度攝影師稱號

irst place of the category Architecture Dongni, courtesy of Sony World Photography Awards


2017索尼世界攝影獎揭曉,Frederik Buyckx獲年度攝影師稱號

FFirst place in the 2017 Current Affairs and News category Alessio Romenzi, courtesy of Sony World Photography Awards

時事新聞類一等獎 在與「伊斯蘭國」武裝戰鬥的間隙,一名特種部隊士兵稍事休息。義大利攝影師Alessio Romenzi於2016年11月在利比亞西爾特(Sirte)拍下了這個近乎超現實的鏡頭。




請您繼續閱讀更多來自 影像國際 的精彩文章:

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