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襯衣定製 | 當代紳士西裝指南 Part 2

  As a modern gentleman you are accountable for your appearance. A man is always free to accept advice from others, but in the end he - and he alone - is responsible for how he presents himself to the world. To rely solely on your partner or friends for fashion advice is

  foolhardyas everyone』s opinion will differ and nobody understands you quite as much as you do.


  Definitely listen to others, but take their advice with a pinch of salt; the only freedom a man truly has is to make his own decisions.


  That is why we』ve put together this Modern Gentleman』s Guide to Suits,

  to help you make informed decisions about your wardrobe so you may create the image you wish to portray to others.

  This is the second instalment, and it』s all about your shirt.

  這也是為什麼我決定寫這一系列的當代紳士西裝指南 — 想要協助你在你所有的服飾中做出明智的選擇,為了讓你呈現給其他人你想給人留下的印象。


  1、COLLAR 衣領

  With your top button fastened, you should be able to place two fingers between your neck and collar. Anything tighter will strangle you, anything looser is too large.



  The seam should rest perfectly on the corner of your shoulder. Anything closer to your neck is too tight and will pull, anything further down your arm will be too loose.


  3、BUTTONS 紐扣

  Your buttons should do up easily from top to bottom, anything too tight will have the material pulling on each side and create gaps between each button. A shirt too loose will have extra material hanging on either side of your torso.


  4、SLEEVES & WAIST袖子和腰部

  If your sleeves are too tight, the material will cut in to your armpit and you will be unable to roll your sleeves up past your elbow. If they are too loose, you will have too much excess material and folds will form when you place your hands by your side.

  If the waist is too tight, the shape of your belly will be clear to all and your buttons around this area will pull.

  Too loose and you will have excess material folds over your trousers when tucked in.



  5、CUFFS 袖口

  There should be some breathing space between your wrist and your cuff. Be sure not to cut off circulation to your fingers with a tight cuff or leave too much space so that you can put your hand through without unbuttoning the cuff.


  NB:If you plan to wear a watch with your shirt, you will need to take this in to consideration and leave a little more space. Take the largest watch you plan to wear with you for the fitting.


  As for the length, the end of your cuff should reach the start of your hand, completely covering the bumps of your wrist. Anything too short will reveal those bumps and anything too long will either fold at the wrist or begin to cover part of your hand.


  6、LENGTH 長度

  The lowest button should rest on or just below (no more than 1cm) your trouser line, the material should nearly cover your zipper. Anything too short will come un-tucked when you move around or lift your arms. And anything too long will leave too much excess material around the waist.


  A little something extra: Shirt Collars

  There are many different collar types to choose – over 20 that I am personally aware of – so I have chosen a few I believe deserve an individual mention.



  衣領類型可供選擇,我個人所知的已超過 20個。下面我選擇了幾個我個人認為是值得單獨提到的。

  Since there are other styles out there, be sure to ask your tailor if they have any other options available.


  Stay tuned for more information regarding ties, cuffs and cuff links in future posts from the Modern Gentleman』s Guide to Suits.



  —— END ——



請您繼續閱讀更多來自 KingsCross 的精彩文章:

西裝定製 Part 1 - 合身是好西裝的第一步

TAG:KingsCross |


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