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Stuart Clipston 十大迷人的海灘雕塑藝術

Stuart Clipston 十大迷人的海灘雕塑藝術

Stuart Clipston 十大迷人的海灘雕塑藝術,海灘總是一個讓人浮想連連的好地方,這裡擁有海浪、沙灘、美女....當然也有體現藝術的東西,例如這些讓人記憶深刻的海灘雕塑。

Stuart Clipston 十大迷人的海灘雕塑藝術

Blown Away, Swell Sculpture Festival 2013: Art by Marie France Rose

Stuart Clipston 十大迷人的海灘雕塑藝術

Big Chook, Sculpture by the Sea 2005: Art by Jeremy Parnell

Stuart Clipston 十大迷人的海灘雕塑藝術

2012 Swell Sculpture Festival: Art by Ibrahim Koc

Stuart Clipston 十大迷人的海灘雕塑藝術

The Race, Swell Sculpture Festival 2012: Art by John Cox

Stuart Clipston 十大迷人的海灘雕塑藝術

Mermaid, Swell Sculpture Festival 2013: Art by Monte Lupo

Stuart Clipston 十大迷人的海灘雕塑藝術

White Death, Swell Sculpture Festival 2011: Art by Glenn Sanders

Stuart Clipston 十大迷人的海灘雕塑藝術

For Rio+20, Photo by Ueslei Marcelino

Stuart Clipston 十大迷人的海灘雕塑藝術

Walking on Glass, Sculpture by the Sea 2010, Art by Phillip Piperides

Stuart Clipston 十大迷人的海灘雕塑藝術

Melting Ice Cream Truck, Sculpture by the Sea 2006, Art by Glue Society



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