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Remissa Mak 柬埔寨的痛苦微型剪紙藝術

來自於柬埔寨的藝術家Remissa Mak 創作了一組有關於微型剪紙的作品,講述的是柬埔寨的痛苦的過去,在紅色高棉軍隊佔領城市的時候,年僅7歲的Remissa Mak逃離家鄉,為了幾年痛苦的過去,他通過剪紙手法來記錄戰爭給柬埔寨帶來的恐怖場景。

Remissa Mak 柬埔寨的痛苦微型剪紙藝術

When Cambodian artist Remissa Mak was only seven years old, he fled his home in Cambodia"s capital, Phnom Penh, after Khmer Rouge troops occupied the city on April 17, 1975. With the earsplitting sounds of gunshots still ringing in their ears, Mak and his family joined the crowds of people chased from the razed city by armed soldiers. Exhausted but forced to continue onward, innocent civilians faced extreme drought and sources of drinking water littered with corpses.

Remissa Mak 柬埔寨的痛苦微型剪紙藝術

Now, 40 years later, Mak pays tribute to the shadows of the past with Left 3 Days, a powerful series that illustrates some of the horrors that many Cambodians experienced in the form of delicate, paper-cut figures silhouetted against wisps of smoke. The miniature scenes—depicting families huddled together on carts, individuals carrying their few belongings in bundles on their heads, and even sobering glimpses of still bodies collapsed on the ground—are an evocative visualization of the tumultuous period between 1975 and 1979.

Remissa Mak 柬埔寨的痛苦微型剪紙藝術

"Like other Cambodians, some of my family members died from the killing, starvation, forced labor and torture under the Khmer Rouge regime," Mak writes on Asia Motion. "Most of those who have survived the regime do not wish to recall such painful memories nor do they try to remember in order to avoid continues emotional suffering. Therefore, the story of the genocide that happened between 1975 and 1979 in Cambodia has faded gradually away from people』s mind, like smoke being blown away by the wind. Indeed, we, Cambodians, don』t want such a tragic and painful event to ever happen again in our motherland. That is why, right now, in order for the next generations to know our history so that it won"t disappear with the passage of time, it is important to reconcile the victims with the view of mending their fragile memories and emotional suffering."

Remissa Mak 柬埔寨的痛苦微型剪紙藝術

When asked how he hopes viewers react to his photos, Mak—whose father and other family members died during that painful time—told us, "I hope the viewers will remember the killing story in Cambodia and never forget the victims who died during the cruel rule of the Khmer Rouge regime from 1975-1979."

Remissa Mak 柬埔寨的痛苦微型剪紙藝術

Remissa Mak 柬埔寨的痛苦微型剪紙藝術

Remissa Mak 柬埔寨的痛苦微型剪紙藝術

Remissa Mak 柬埔寨的痛苦微型剪紙藝術

Remissa Mak 柬埔寨的痛苦微型剪紙藝術

Remissa Mak 柬埔寨的痛苦微型剪紙藝術



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