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Martin Roller 日常用品混搭藝術集

來自於德國的藝術家 Martin Roller 喜歡從生活中挖掘靈感,此次他從生活中收集了很多生活用品來構建既有趣又別出新裁的創意混搭藝術,每一個新的創造都是一種轉化,他總會把一種日常用品很合理的運用到最恰當的地方。

Martin Roller 日常用品混搭藝術集

Using everyday objects that he collected from the streets of Berlin, German artist Martin Roller constructs intriguing and surprising mash-ups. Each new creation looks transformed and as if it is on display in an advertisement. In Roller"s surreal world, a hairbrush has sharpened pencils in place of its bristles and a set of "shoes" is actually a pair of bananas with bright white shoelaces. Roller"s unique eye even manages to turn a car tire into a visually deceiving birthday cake. No matter what the mash-up, each piece takes on a futuristic quality that is both surreal and oddly realistic in its execution.

Martin Roller 日常用品混搭藝術集

Although the photographs of the objects look as though they were digitally retouched, the talented artist actually took the time to build each work of art by hand. This means that all of the unusual constructions exist in real life. Rather than using photo altering technology as a tool, Roller prefers to assemble his own physical "collage" from a source that he can mold with his hands. Because of this process, each individual object undergoes a visually complex metamorphosis that pays homage to modern design.

Martin Roller 日常用品混搭藝術集

Martin Roller 日常用品混搭藝術集

Martin Roller 日常用品混搭藝術集

Martin Roller 日常用品混搭藝術集

Martin Roller 日常用品混搭藝術集

Martin Roller 日常用品混搭藝術集



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