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韓國網遊評論 韓國人後悔拋棄漢字嗎?


韓國網遊評論 韓國人後悔拋棄漢字嗎?

Lee Wee Hian studied at University of California Los Angeles

upxed Jan 19 2016 R26; Upvoted by Paul Denlinger

This is a pretty divisive issue in South Korea. There are 2 schools of thought on this issue in contemporary South Korea. Some are pro-Hanja proponents who want to reintroduce Hanja mixed scxt into everyday life while others are anti-Hanja proponents who want to retain Hangul exclusivity (often by lixing Hanja usage to Japanese colonial rule to stoke nationalist fervor).



The fact of the matter is that Hangul cannot distinguish homonyms in a way that Hanja can (Korean is replete with Sino-Korean words that are often pronounced the same but carry different meanings). Consequently South Korea has one of the developed world"s highest functional illiteracy rates.[1] As such Koreans often use Hanja dictionaries like Naver to disambiguate meanings.[2]



Also Hangul exclusivity has effectively thwarted Koreans" access to their own history (most Korean works well into the 1960s were written in Classical Chinese or mixed scxt). South Korean Newspapers well into the 1970s continued to use mixed scxt. Here"s a newspaper dated to October 28 1972 from the prominent Chosun Ilbo (朝鮮日報) with headlines and articles written in mixed scxt:


Kuiwon a native Korean speaker makes a pretty compelling case to reintroduce Hanja usage in South Korea because of Hangul"s limitations especially in higher education. More here: Articles

一個叫Kuiwon(歸源)韓國本土人的博客,因為諺文特別在高等教育上的局限性,正嘗試用相當吸引人的方式在想在韓國恢復使用漢字。 推薦文章。。。

譯者註:Kuiwon是筆名,博主用繁體字,英語,韓語 三種語言翻譯了許多中國古典文學。

Jihyun Sohn lives in South Korea

Written 20h ago

Yes and no.


I used to learn Hanja in elementary school - I remember taking a grade 7 qualification exam and failing dreadfully. I still know about 200 to 300 characters enough to recognise the really basic ones (I mean come on. It』s not exactly easy to forget how to read or write 『一』 or 『二』). The hardest Hanja I know how to write is probably the ones in my name 孫智賢.



*I』m guilty of having failed this exam


Hanja is actually pretty good to know - a lot of Hanja words show up in the Korean language and it』s not too hard to find a word outright written in Hanja when you read the news or certain books. Not to mention Hanja itself is useful if one wants to learn Chinese - and most Koreans do take Chinese as a second foreign language. God knows I』ve opened up and bought Hanja books in the hopes I will magically find the motivation and time to actually work on studying it.


Then again there』s a reason I don』t actually find the motivation to study it. Hanja is hard. There』s so many characters you have to memorise and I』m not going to deny the general Korean method of studying Hanja - writing the characters with the Korean pronunciations next to them over and over again - is rather tedious. There』s so many things I could do during that time including scrolling through facebook shifting through Quora cafe-hopping with friends reading webtoons finding books to read without actually reading them…well you get the point.

然而,我實在沒有動力去學習它的原因是, 漢字太難了。那麼多單詞需要去記憶,我不排除用韓國人的老方法去學習漢字- 用諺文在旁邊一遍又一遍的注音- 這相當繁瑣。在此期間有很多更有趣的東西召喚著我,包括瀏覽facebook,在跳轉到Quora溜達,和朋友去咖啡館消磨時光,在webtoons看漫畫,或者找本書裝B雖然可能一字也看不見去。。。你懂的。

Yes some Koreans do regret the intellectual possibilities Hanja could have brought it. However most of us do pretty fine without it. Hanja is mostly like a 『bonus』 for us - it』s awesome if you know it but there』s no reason you actually should bother with knowing that many. It』s like knowing someone who knows how to read another language - you』re definitely jealous they can read it but you don』t really want to put in the work of studying it yourself.




As for me I certainly want to get on with my Hanja studies…just let me look through Quora for a bit longer……


Derek Park lives in South Korea

Written Apr 15


Instead we celebrate our own writing system because it is much more convenient.

Hanja (or the Chinese writing system) has over 50000 characters all with different meanings. In contrast Hangeul (the Korean writing system) has only 28 characters and is phonetic like English.

I am very glad that I don"t have to learn 50000 something characters to communicate. Don"t your writing system requires at least the knowledge of over 1000 characters for basic communication?

不後悔。 相反我們為自己的書寫體系慶賀,因為它方便得多了。


我非常高興不需要學習5w字用於溝通。 你們的書寫體系會要求你至少認識超過1000字才能進行簡單交流嗎?

With Hangeul as the main character Hanja"s only remaining purpose is to clarify homonyms. We only need to know couple of dozens for basic understanding and maybe a 200~500 for more complex things but that"s it. Hardly anyone tries to learn over 500 and most forget their Hanja knowledge and end up understanding only about 100 or 200.

Also Hanja is a pain in the ass to write. It is just too detailed and even one wrong dot could mean a whole new thing.

Why did you make such a thing? It is so difficult.



而且漢字寫起來十分蛋疼。 太多條條框框,一旦錯了一筆,意思可能完全不同。

怎麼會創造出這種東西? 太反人類了。

Sang Young Noh I am Korean

Written Fri

This Korean does for two reasons.


Firstly I find the Hanja scxture to be beautiful - I am not nationalistic or batshit crazy enough to think that a country should totally abandon what is a sino-influenced past and the addition of hanja in the Korean language is a nice spice to the language that is Korean.



Secondly and more importantly many many words in Korea are based on Hanja phrases and by knowing the meaning of the Hanja and the context of the sentence it is easier to figure out what the vocabulary in question means. Without the guidance of Hanja this means that the word pool of people in Korea shrinks and hence the literacy rate in Korea dwindles with it.

第二 更重要的是諺語中許多單詞是基於漢字片語發展而來。通過了解漢字的含義和句子語境,更容易找出未解辭彙的意思。沒有漢字引導意味著韓國人的辭彙量的縮減小,隨之在韓國的識字率也會不斷地減少。

Hence I would support any resurgence of Hanja.


Chi Kyu Lee studies at Cornell University (2020)

Written Jul 7 2015

Hmmmm I don"t think so. Although many Korean words can be traced back to Chinese characters (70%!) it was extremely inefficient to use Chinese characters for Korean before Hangul was invented. This is why only the upper class was able to learn how to read or write in Joseon Dynasty (1392-1897). King Sejong who invented Hangul is considered as one of Korea"s most respected individuals today.

Yes it is true that Chinese characters are sometimes used to clarify homonyms or represent an abstract idea. However I"ve only seen them on media and old literature. Newspapers often use them for abbreviations for countries (for instance 美 for America or 中 for China). In fact many young Koreans today don"t learn (or simply dabble on) Hanja or Chinese characters. Even if they do it"s often exclusively for educational purposes not for practical purposes.

Personally I"m glad that I don"t have to use Hanja. Hangul is made for the Korean language but Hanja was made for the Chinese languages.

唔 不認為會後悔。 儘管許多諺文可以追溯回漢字(有70%那麼多)。在諺文被創造出來前,使用漢字對韓國人來說是非常低效的。這就是為什麼在朝鮮王朝時期 (1392-1897)只有上層階級能夠學習閱讀和書寫漢字。 世宗大王因發明了諺文被認為是韓國的現今最受尊敬偉人之一。




Didier Szende PhD dropout in Korean linguistics.

Written Jul 8 2015

It"s hard to regret something you didn"t actively do. Most Koreans under 40 never learned Chinese characters and they didn"t abandon them as they never had them.




韓國網遊評論 韓國人後悔拋棄漢字嗎?


韓國網遊評論 韓國人後悔拋棄漢字嗎?

韓國網遊評論 韓國人後悔拋棄漢字嗎?


韓國網遊評論 韓國人後悔拋棄漢字嗎?

韓國網遊評論 韓國人後悔拋棄漢字嗎?

韓國網遊評論 韓國人後悔拋棄漢字嗎?

韓國網遊評論 韓國人後悔拋棄漢字嗎?

韓國網遊評論 韓國人後悔拋棄漢字嗎?

韓國網遊評論 韓國人後悔拋棄漢字嗎?

韓國網遊評論 韓國人後悔拋棄漢字嗎?

韓國網遊評論 韓國人後悔拋棄漢字嗎?



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