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If the Warriors are killing interest in the NBA(which seems to be the general consensus on r/nba), why is this the highest rated and most watched finals since Jordan? (self.nba)








Pretty straightforward question, why is it that these finals are the highest rated finals so far since Jordan?

My possible thoughts:

r/nba is not indicative of the actual watching NBA population

r/nba has a vocal minority that dominate the sub when the Warriors win about how shitty KD made the move

The "casual" fans have different interests than r/nba. Meaning that they don"t really care if the games are close as long as they are entertaining.

the Warriors have the Jordan-Bulls like effect on ratings where people want to witness greatness

[–]KingsXpLoZiioN 247 指標 18小時前




I think most people would agree that this current Warriors/Cavs rivalry has been very positive for the league as a whole. The NBA as a whole increases in popularity every year, which means it obviously isn"t "killing the NBA."

I think it"s fair to say that the current Warriors are bad for the competitiveness of the league, because the end result is much easier to predict. But that"s a completely different argument.

Overall, it will help the league a ton, and in a few years after the salary cap stabilizes I don"t think we will see this type of "super team" as frequently. The Warriors benefitted from the timing of the cap jump tremendously.

[–]Supersonicsgaussx 67 指標 17小時前


而體育中最棒的事情就是兩個超級豪強之間的互相對決,當他們一路碾壓殺進決賽後,看看究竟誰才是最棒的。就像超級碗中邁阿密海豚vs 舊金山49人,拳擊中的弗雷澤vs阿里一樣。


Is predictability a bad thing? I think for most of sport is a good thing. You want the best team to win. You don"t want there to be no meaning to word "better". The worst thing in sport is when the best team and the worst team are basically a coin flip.

The best thing in sport is when you have juggernauts face each. When they"ve romped through their competition and face off to see who is best. Miami vs SF in the Super Bowl. Frazier vs Ali.

No one really wants an NBA where you say, "Any of these 20 teams can win it! They"ve all won between 40 and 50 games! Love the parity!".

[–]Warriors Bandwagonharleq01 31 指標 17小時前



All your points are right imo. People want to see greatness when it comes around. At a certain point, a sports competition is no longer a competition. It』s a spectacle. Like Prime Mike Tyson beating up anyone and everyone with authority. At certain points in Tyson』s careers, they seemed unbeatable. They were out of contenders to challenge them yet it was at those times when their popularity were at the highest.

Don』t ever underestimate the power of casual fans. Yes, they』re casual and may not know the sport as much as the non-casuals or whatever you want to call them. But the casuals are the ones who elevate the entertainment medium. The casuals give the boon to the revenue and the hype for your favorite movie, sport, athelete, book, restaurant, etc.

[–]Cavaliers BandwagonGrease_the_Witch 1592 指標 18小時前

Casuals love to watch huge names square off, and a three peat? Nostalgia.


[–][deleted] 103 指標 18小時前

lmao. "casuals like to watch huge names square off" what? who doesnt like that. thats literally every league, everyone wants to watch the biggest stars go at it, not just casuals


[–]Warriorsuntouchable765 172 指標 18小時前

The overwhelming majority of fans are casual fans is the point here.


[–]Cavaliers BandwagonGrease_the_Witch 23 指標 18小時前

The lost is in regard to r/NBA. the consensus here often seems to be that the Warriors and Cavs take away all parity, and there"s a lot of bitching and moaning about it.

that being said, the League is making crazy $tacks bc of it



[–]Heat BandwagonMiaCannons 65 指標 14小時前



I mean LeBron"s been doing to the East what the Warriors have been doing to the league for seven straight years. I know intermittently there have been a couple teams that have given LeBron some challenges like the Celtics or the Pacers but for the most part, competition has been dead in the East for such a long time.

It"s really surprising to see so many people come up and cry foul for what the Warriors have done to competition when LeBron"s been doing it in the East for such a long time. Honestly I think he might have more sweeps in the East than game 6"s and 7"s, it really feels that way.

[–][OKC] Steven AdamsJohnCavil 40 指標 17小時前*

This is the correct answer. You could have Celtics/Knicks vs Lakers/GSW and you"d get massive viewers too even though it would be terrible basketball. The kind of people who watch the finals only care about hype and superstars.


[–]NBASourerDiesel 73 指標 17小時前

OP answered his own question in a roundabout way when he said "since Jordan". Notice how the last Finals to get ratings this high had the best player of all time playing on a super team competing for his 6th title against a team that had already proven it was outmatched.

Now, we got the team that might be better than Jordan"s Bulls playing against the player that might be better than Jordan.

This was entirely predictable. The NBA has always gotten its best ratings when the league has been its most top heavy.




[–]LakersRealPunyParker 679 指標 18小時前

Because r/nba hates the Warriors.


[–]hubau 357 指標 17小時前

Yep, and if you hate the warriors, basketball is not a lot of fun right now. But if you enjoy good basketball and are a neutral fan, watching these playoffs has been pretty cool. I definitely wouldn"t want to watch them sweep the playoffs for a decade straight, but they won"t. Injuries, aging and salarycaps will eventually pull the core apart. And other superteams will rise to challenge them.


[–]Mavericksbadoosh123[S] 150 指標 17小時前

Yeah that is how I feel. I"m neutral, and you can"t really deny that the Warriors basketball is some of the best played. I love watching them play defense. So many god damn athletes it"s crazy.


[–]MYNEWACCOUNT300 267 指標 18小時前*

I got downvoted a ton on my post about it but a good villian vs. Hero Finals gets great ratings from fans.

The Heatles had most of the highest rated Finals outside of 2010(Lakers vs. Celtics) since 2004.

This year"s narrative by Fans are Hardest Road Warriors vs. LESaving the NBA Cavs. Those Hollywood NBA Storylines sell 2 Fans.




[–]Baconcheezburglar 87 指標 17 小時前

Last year"s Finals was historic.

Lots of big names.

NBA has been on an upward trend regardless of teams.

I can"t speak for /r/nba or the general public. But, I"ve never turned more games off halfway through than I have this post-season. I"ve never seen a less competitive or more predictable playoffs. I"m glad people are still watching, I"d hate for the NBA to take a step back....I"m also certainly not one of them, at least not entire games.





[–]Mavericks BandwagonGerman_Moses41 1190 指標 17小時前

They"re not killing interest. Reddit pundits live in a bubble and form opinion based on popular opinion in this subreddit. Basketball is thriving.


[–]CavaliersSaxRohmer 25 指標 16小時前

This is the first trilogy ever, so that"s why ratings are high. I think if this continues over a few years, you"ll see the ratings go down. If the Warriors make the playoffs a formality, it can hurt things. But we"re talking about them having to do that over a period of years. People like to see the best stars match up and ratings are largely dictated by casuals, not dedicated fans.


[–]CelticsJohnFKennnedy 354 指標 15小時前*






This whole thread is a safe space for people who want to feel like they"re smarter than the rest of /r/nba. Hardly anyone has pointed out that the ratings for the regular season went down.

People literally skipped watching basketball this season and waited until the Finals to see the two teams they already knew it was going to be. Which is what everyone said all year.

Detractors aren"t saying that the Warriors immediately ruined basketball this year and no one is going to care. Of course casual fans want to see a team this good. A lot of serious fans want to see a team this good.

The concern is that if two teams blow everyone out year after year, that dip will extend further into the postseason as fans start to turn away from the monotony.

We already have an example of this in the WCF, where ratings showed a significant decline. The ratings for the ECF were pretty mediocre too outside of Game 4 after the Celtics won and people thought they might have a chance, but they dropped right back down again in Game 5.

[–]Cavaliershellyeah222 20 指標 16小時前

Finals ratings aren"t indicative of the overall interest in the NBA. The Finals is just one series. NBA has lost it"s intrigue during the regular season and all the other Play-off series.


[–][CHI] Rajon Rondoptam 290 指標 17小時前

Because casual fans would rather watch dominance.


[–]Lakersyourprobablyadouche 129 指標 17小時前*

Yup. The fact is Curry has been arguably the most popular player in the league coupled with dominance, brings the casuals in. R/NBA doesn"t represent the casual fan at all, and the fact is they are extremely fun to watch.


[–]theclownermb 32 指標 17小時前

Because the top 4 most popular players in the league are playing in it. And yes Kyrie is the fourth most popular player, hes not the top 4 best but hes extremely popular with casual fans and has the second best shoe sales in Nike, even toppling KD"s sales this year. Then you have Draymond, Klay and Kevin Love who are also top 25 players in the league.




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